Hello my fellow service industry friends. If you are not in the service industry you probably won't give a fuck about this which is cool. This is for my fellow service industry friends. I ran into these two people on Face Book the other day that don't believe in tipping, they think the customer is always right, they think service industry people are over paid and lazy, etc. I was listening to their bullshit for a bit and made some memes about them. They got butt hurt and got me banned. At the moment I can't do anything due to the ban. That is where my fellow service industry peeps come into play. The people to direct your attention to are Isaac Evans who lives in Raleigh, NC and Kit Smith who lives in Myrtle Beach, SC or Charleston, SC. Not completely sure on her. Included are pictures of Isaac the douche and Kit Smith (lots of pictures of her multiple kids and her. One has her with a red graduation cap in it.) Have fun with these assholes if have some time or not. Seriously though have fun