Just bought a cheap ass bowl and the guy put some weird glass thing in the hole. What is it?

Just bought a cheap ass bowl and the guy put some weird glass thing in the hole. What is it?

It's a catch so your weed doesn't fall through

It's called a glass jack, you get one if the hole in your pipe is too big to stop it from shitting.

Thanks man lol

Ash catcher or glass filther. Just so you won't suck in ash while taking a hit. Also, invest in a bong. This pipe is cool for now since you probably spend 5-15 bucks on it.

Glass screen

Can't smoke in the house and whenever I try to hide it the parents always smell it anyway. Gotta go to my car to smoke

Can't take a bong in the car. Too scared I'll leave it and ride with it

Hmmmm tough break. Would you invest in a dab rig? Doesn't smell like weed one bit. Just gotta worry about the sound of the torch and you coughing for a few seconds depending on your glob hit.

Also what state do you live in?

I feel ya man, its just so the weed and ashes dont fall through


I know this is underage b8 shit, but just get a fucking mouth fedora fam.


Actually, do you guys know what this is? a friend was given at a music fest, looks compressed and its soft. It also changed colors.

Yeah I had no clue what the fuck he put in there

this. its for when a really low quality pipe/bowl for anything is made. i have this bubbler that i really like but have to use screens for it otherwise i lose all the small flakes.

Looks like hash dipped in dabs with coloring of some sort

Maybe we'll try dabbing a piece of it, but its not sticky just soft and way easy to break apart. It also looks like it has layers

Looks like hash

that's called a glass screen you twats. their like 2 bucks in a head shop...

faggot no die. weed smoking junkie kill yourself.

Dab it then tell me what you think. That outside has me lost, shit looks like some melted metallic crayon.


Thanks for the responses. Him and I are gonna try it when he's done working. Will make a post later.

And yeah thats the only reason I didn't eat a piece right away, no meth bombs for me

It's called a Daisy, it's a glass screen. They collect a bunch of resin pretty fast


"There like 2 bucks" looks and sounds retarded. Way to try and correct your brother

hahha those are gauges for your ears. I like how this thread is sarcastic and even the guy with the clearly non-smokeable item is playing along. This place is cancerous