Rate my Beard
Rate my Beard
Me without the glorious facial hair
doesn't fit the hair,
Was a long and painful way to become this manly alpha wolf
Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi/10
What did you just say??
Beard is great, haircut is not. Long hair with a long beard makes you look unkempt. Unkempt only looks good for super alphas with mega jawlines and great bodies.
You literally just described me
Also rate my outfit
that's not long hair.
hipster or muslim/10
U live in a zoo ? Whats the shitty hat for
Thats my thing.. I always wear that hat.
Gets me tons of pussy
one of those sad bastards who gets all moody and grows a beard then acts like a tough man. 10 a penny these days. Either shave it ir grow it, but shit the fuck up about it. You look scottish.
It seems as if it wasn't combed back it would go past his eyebrows. For men, that is long hair.
fking indiana jones lol
Ur ugly as fuck be sad mf
it's a well groomed, tidy and beautiful beard. just the faggot face doesn't match it, you ugly cunt.
cover your face with hair so people don't have to look at it/10
I want to make sweet love to your beard, Op.
Wtf you that German guy? Good luck getting in to the U.S., you are not brown