Is it just me or did this guys channel become decent recently? Or do i have brain cancer?
Is it just me or did this guys channel become decent recently? Or do i have brain cancer?
Not really, he's just been putting alot of dull vine memes in his videos
You have brain cancer if you need peoples opinion to know what to like.
If you think it's decent, then it is decent.
I agree with you.
he matured right?
Brain cancer
It's actually pretty funny now, since he stopped giving a fuck.
I thought I was the only one
You do know that this is Sup Forums, right?
I hated him before. Nowadays, he's pretty fun. I never watch his videos where he plays though.
>having your own opinion and not caring what others think
I thought the same thing a few weeks ago. He's even hating on feminists and mocking tumblr.
Well yes whats your point?
Meh. It has a Filthy Frank / h3h3 / Idubbbz vibe.
I'd much rather watch them than him
>OGs remember Mr. Chair, Stephano, Barrels and Sup Bro
why not all of them?
I honestly dont know. When I stopped watching youtube avgn was the number one most suscribed youtuber. I hear about people like keemstar and leafy and all this youtube "drama" and it makes me glad I only get on youtube to watch sports highlights. I might even pop in to try and find some decent content that isnt some gamer yelling at his computer/console(avgn did this but atleast his videos are funny and creative). Theres way too many gaming videos on youtube.
I have just recently discoverered Idubbbz that guys is fucking awesome
I watched him before he even had 50K subs. Started going to shit around the 2M mark. He might be tired of all the cancer though.
As someone else here has mentioned try out Idubbbztv.
I watched a few of his most watched vids some two years ago. Thought it was shit. Came by his content like a week ago and it was still shit. Maybe not as shit, but still shit
yea same here, he's actually more enjoyable than h3h3 to be honest.
He's still as cancerous as ever.
a lot
Same for me. Still nothing to waste too much time on though.
I for one have really been enjoying his recent videos
I think that after years of practice hes been able to develop a good witty talent
h3h3 is fucking shit i dont understand how anyone likes then or puts them in the same group as filthy frank
H3h3 just fucked up i feel like. Their content has lost alot of its originality. Its like they make a good vid every now and then.
Before he made funny videos almost every time. Even the 11 sec videos are legendary