YLYL libtard hate edition

YLYL libtard hate edition

Other urls found in this thread:


OP is fag

OP is gay




















kek you mean YCYL

Way to contribute, faggot OP.



i consider myself a liberal, and, for the record, nothing in this thread speaks to my beliefs.


this is the way to go. I've said the same thing

I'm offended by the resolution on that jpeg.


funny fucking shit official ylyl telegram group
no bananas allowed good moderation

>make up shit
>say liberals believe this
>impress fellow virgins with your spicy may mays


>implying liberals don't believe the stupid shit they say

>except liberals actually do believe all of this
drink some bleach pls

Kek karma

Thank you for clearing up my beliefs, for I do not have the mental capacity to figure it out for myself.

With gratitude,
A libtard

nah, the people Milo makes up don't exist

That's precisely why you are liberal, you potato.



fucking party pooper

>doesn't get sarcasm
>says other people are stupid

Fucking party pooper is probably what Milo is doing right now

>I do not have the mental capacity to figure it out for myself.
liberals actually believe this.