You must fight the villain of the last movie you saw. How fucked are you?

You must fight the villain of the last movie you saw. How fucked are you?

I saw the bee movie

R.I.P user

First Blood... -> :/

Oh hell no....

"Margerite" didn't have a villain as such. The title character harmed herself more than anyone else.

pretty sure i could take paul giamatti as jerry heller.

also,fuck tha police.

She's gonna kick your ass!

Do I have to fight all the bad guys in The Raid 2? I want off this ride.

we're tag-teaming the douche

as fucked as any white girl


well goddamn it.

I think I'm the most fucked... I just watched Citizen 4. Me vs the entire US government? No thanks.

im so fucked!

i'm crashed

Edward Snowden?? I didn't know you browsed Sup Forums.

Lex Luthor

this little bitch ass twink is gonna get fucked up

I know.

Suicide squad, i'm pretty fucked to be honest

Jurrasic World...shit

well well well

bye everybody

Saw The Boy and The Beast. Going to be fighting teenage angst. RIP

i do not know the way to mordor so i'm pretty fucked

No sleep for me and I'm safe

I'm pretty sure i got this


I'm fucked.

>You must fight the villain of the last movie you saw
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
>fight the villain
I'm more fucked than Thai whore

What movie is this?

Is that Marilyn Manson?


No Country for Old Men... I think

You gotta fight Hitler???

Turbo from Wreck It Ralph

Leave me alone I don't watch a lot of movies and my cousin wanted to.


war dogs, so terrorists I guess? or the fbi?

or Jonah hill? help me out here niggas

Saw nerve today
Villian is the the entire teenage le meme haxors and general mob rule
>build a shelter with work boots
>dig moat and fill it with shovels and blue collar tools
>if they start to develop sophistication then I'll tell them harambes tomb is 5 miles weast
> and they will die of no way to call an uber and have mommy wire gbp because dead phone

What do I win


I watched Tropic Thunder last night. That means I have to fight Flaming Dragon.

I really can't turn this into a joke.

Star Trek: First Contact
I guess I can just surrender and have a nice long life as a borg drone