I am 5ft 5in, weigh 210lbs. How much Xanax and Alcohol will it take to ensure death...

I am 5ft 5in, weigh 210lbs. How much Xanax and Alcohol will it take to ensure death, would it be better than renting a gun at a shooting range and offing myself? Here are some boobs.

If you go to a shooting range and do it you seriously risk it being foiled. Plus you gotta sit through a long ass video about gun safety.

why? how so?

What retarded state do you live in? lol

Do it fgt

let's just say one that has you pay after renting the gun.

I've never had to rent a gun so could be true? but I don't think so. at least def not in my state.

the best way to die is to jump out from a height greater than 150 feet (46 metres) or higher on land.

Damn you're fat. Probably ~20mg and 15 units should do it

15 units? units of what?

go to the gym, faggot

Very uninformative. 0/10. Maybe you should an hero with me.

Go out a hero: car full of propane tanks and drive into the Westboro Baptist Church screaming "ALLAH AKBAR!"

ISIS won't know what to do.
Conservatives won't know what to do.

Lulz ensue.

... you aren't gonna do it anyway, you pussy.

I don't want to bother anyone else with my stupid problems. That's just rude. The All God would be upset with me.

It's not worth it op

as much as you take

I wish it wasn't worth it. The alternative is living with several annoyances. I either suffer from Aspergers or I am highly intelligent, regardless... I don't mix with anyone. My only worth is money, and money is pointless. Everyone just wants me to provide for them and shut up.

I know that same feel. I want to check out too but haven't gone thru with it yet. My life is on autopilot right now. This reality we're in is artificial. I want to go back home for good. Money is so fucking fake yet it is our entire existence. It is our God to bow down to. I wish I was never born and hate my selfish parents who brought me into this shithole existence.

Trips, no do it at a BLM protest

Yeah. I'm really just sick of being the person who buys all the beer and weed. Or the person with all the movies/games. Basically I'm the person with everything and all technology. Everyone uses me for my possessions, but no one even acknowledges my existence. Every possible partner just tells me about their shitty relationships and uses me for emotional support and then they cuck me.

Never have I ever had to sit through a video about gun safety.

the only time i got talked to at a shooting range was when i rented a full auto UZI.

common, can't someone math it for me? I'm trying to consume several ounces of alcohol.

I'll be needing sauce on this

take a dickful

no one cares tbh. we just want you to die for real.

Guys im blanking rn...
Is it kate?...katie...da hell was her name

Shallow water black out. You hyperventilate for a couple of minutes, then submerge yourself in water and hold your breath as long as you can. You will pass out and drown before you feel the urge to breathe.

Hyperventilating does not increase your blood oxygen saturation, but it unnaturally decreases the carbon dioxide levels in your blood. And the urge to breathe is triggered by carbon dioxide levels.

katie owen, not sure which video thats from

Ty sir

Well it's not like you're going to need money after, as much as you can buy dumb fuck

Thanks bro

alcohol, how old are you?