General Fallout Thread!

General Fallout Thread!

All hail the steel!

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Gotta love the Enclave, Purge all of the unworthy.

I have to admit I used to have an obsetion with Vulpes Inculta

I shoot him in the fucking mouth every goddamn time, fuck the legion

Actually i dont know what happen but when walked into Nipton for the very first time the Legion attacked me and so did Vulpes.

He could not stand the ranged combat and died when his head set sail away from his head.

Still "Vulpes Inculta" dunno why that name gets me.

Enclave Moonbase When?

Finished New Vegas. It was my first Fallout game.

Which should I play next?




Just play new Vegas modded for 400+ hours

Actually I recomend you to play Fallout from the very beginin, I mean, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.

Actually there is a lot in commun between Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas and also Fallout 3 and Fallout 1. When you play 'em you'll now what im talkin about

this is the light and the way

independent vegas, come get some

>being this much of a cuck

4 is the best one

Fallout 4 is a shitty RPG, a mediocre FPS, a shittier Minecraft, and a terrible Fallout game.

Prove me wrong faggot

>all hail the steel
>posts ncr
I have problem. But thanks for the wallpaper.

haven't played F4 so cant tell :/

I just thought the general consesus was that the other Fallout games were terriblr and that 4's innovations saved the sinking ship.

>I just thought the general consesus was that the other Fallout games were terriblr

Oh fuck no, new Vegas was amazing

Shot this dudes head off every time


Maybe with mods

New Vegas Rules

No, Fallout New Vegas was a great fucking game in its own right you cunt

agreed. New Vegas owns bones.

patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

maybe on bizzaro Sup Forums
>or is it just clever bait


1. you're a nigger
2. name a really good shooter that came out in 2015 that had great rpg elements
3. FO4 expanded its rich lore to a city that is perfect for the setting.
4. Name a game where you have total control over your weapon customization and playstyle.

I mean, the guns handled better than in 3/NV but their application is ruined with the legendary effects system
>randomized weapons and effects
>loot a ghoul slayers gamma gun
>loot freezing flamer
>loot explosive fatman
power armor is better than in 3 and NV too but they go ahead and shit the bed with the t-60s origin making it prewar and not a ECBOS T45 MKII.
it literally looks like enclave hellfire and t45 mixed together and he only people in that region that could reverse engineer enclave tech would have been them
>the back tube
>the side tubes
>sloping face gorilla helmet
>chest looks like a fucking sink
Their reasoning for it being all over boston makes sense in thati ts where it was made but then why does nearly the entire bos have them?
they only sent 3 teams to the commonwealth, on of which got wiped out and another nearly was, danse and co.
also fusion cores

damage control/10

4 could have been much more but it was unfinished (like a majority of AAA games)
A stupid amount of bugs and concepts that could have been more
The only thing that saves it is mods really

If you're willing to mod, go with fallout 3. If not, go with 4.

This is b8 in case anyone was wondering.

Kek this pic describes my fallout play style

The game in my opinion was great at the start, if not a little shaky, but I haven't been that immersed in a game in a while you can just spend hours exploring. The Dlc made it even better. People just like to shit on everything nowadays.

Fallout 4 IS trash

1. Rich lore
>Fallout 4
Pick one
The games lore is shit, all the old fallout games tie in with one another to create this whole history of events and repercussions. IE, nightkin in Jacobson
4. But you don't you fucking faggot, you just pick from a few guns with slight cosmetic changes.

Also. There's only a handful of quests and half the map is water

Your speech options are unfunny sarcasm, kind yes, reluctant yes and no but actually yes (and being an edgy douche)

Whereas in New Vegas...

>Implying FO4 sidequests have no redeeming value.
You get multiple options for handeling quests and there is a very good risk vs reward factor.
>Risk go into a very high level area on high difficulty
>Reward get high level weapon or armor that you can fully customize to your liking.
For the main quest i agree some is trash for no multiple endings, but i think you can easily look past that with the expansions providing stories perfect for fallout.

>fo4 sidequests
There are maybe like 5 max decent fallout 4 side quests. There are some options, yet they are comparativelY very limited. Questing for factions becomes mindlessly repitive "another settlement needs your help" shit

cosmetic my ass. You get all sorts of attachments barrels grips etc. You can turn a pistol into a sniper that shoots flaming bullets with nightvision. 4's lore matches perfectly with the universe, Boston is the most American city next to Washington based on Revolutionary war.

Not to mention the raiders are extremely 2 dimensional. NV you get really just fiends who are the equivalent, who have a believable backstory unlike in FO4. In fo4 the raiders make up like half of the human population and it's like wow, how many people can be fucking chemed out, borderline feral, sadistic and culturleless shit smears realistically?

one does not "finish" fallout new vegas...gtfo filthy casual

If you want to learn about US history, open a book.

I meant in NV you get several different gangs that all branched out with different stories, ranging from most feral and demented (fiends) to most organized and relatively well off (boomers)

A lot it set in post apocalyptic time for christ sakes. Raiders were fucking everywhere in FO3 as well.

there are other postapocalyptic rpg games out there that aren't from fallout saga?

Ave, true to Caesar!

There's a promise that we can change our fortunes, begin again. Finding it though that's not the hard part...
It's letting go
It's letting go
It's letting go

But fallout 1 and 2 Re so damn slow to get going. It takes like an hour just to get out of the vault because of how long it takes to move one step thanks to the turn based style

Post favorite quotes from Fallout
>Could I trouble you to blow it out your ass?

Fallout 1 & 2 > 3 & 4

end of the story

The weapon system in Fallout 4 is bullshit. It literally feels like any other cookie cutter, baby's first RPG. I hate how to adapt to higher level enemies you have to completely modify the shit out of your gun. I hate the stupid fucking legendary weapons and I hate finding stupid fucking pipe pistols in pre-war safes.


fucking this
Also I missed the gun repair mechanic and the way you could build your own bullets in NV

you have a point right there and dont even mention the traveling distances. But you can always "hack" the code and give some high values. Thats what I did at least


Fallout 2 < Fallout New Vegas < Fallout 1 < Fallout 3