ITT: artists you could beat up in a fight

ITT: artists you could beat up in a fight


Who would win in a fight?

Xasthur or Striborg


Id smash her ugly head with a hammer

He'd stab you in the eyes and bite your dick off while screaming "DOOH DOOH DA LOOT DO" at the top of his lungs, and wait patiently for you to finish the sentence while you slowly die from blood loss.

Just look at him, you know he would do it.

horrible thread

are you an artist? I bet I could fuck you up


don't talk


I imagine him beating the shit out of me with a colourful giant hammer.

Nardwar fanboy detected.
He's an annoying nerd and should get punched repeatedly

Not 06' Trent Reznor, dude was jacked for a bit.


i'd beat her up with my cock, if you catch my jiffy

thats why hes good, not afraid to ask rude stuff from the artists and not fanboying around them

My 15 year old sister could beat Henry's ass

That is just low body fat

have some respect for the human serviette, fags



Not a chance.

It's a no from me

yes but why would you do that


No, do you see the size of those hands?

keep dreaming my guy

>He's never listened to Gnarkill or Fuckface Unstoppable
imagine being this much of a pleb

xasthur would win, he has nothing to lose.


You wish kid

