Hey /b I have a presentation in front of everyone in my course about Lincoln...

Hey /b I have a presentation in front of everyone in my course about Lincoln, I will be quoting a line that says niggers, should I censor it as there will be blacks in the room

Absolutely not

Should probably ask your teacher first. Negros might be a historical compromise.

Why should you be historically inaccurate on purpose? NO censor, user

Here if you need some illustrations.

do it user, do what the progressive right would want you to do

plus if you are ever prosecuted for it you can always find friends and like minds here

just make a ppt-slide like this:
dont read it out, just summarize it with a more appropiate word like black people.

Honestly thats what I was thinking, its history, why should I change it just so some nignog doesn't get offended over something that didn't effect them.

Just state very clearly that it's a quote first.

you could also ask your teacher.

include this in your presentation


You have to include this.

Also never censor yourself, not even to be curtious. Ask yourself, are niggers curtious? The answer is clear. The greater order is known.

Yeah fuck it, I'm going to say it, I'll post an update if I get suspended or if a nigger throws a hissy fit

Why? It's for academic accuracy and realism. Don't sugar-coat it, or the fat kids will eat it.

what if your teacher is an nigger

She isn't, but she is a nigger loving liberal.

Be as gruesome as possible, but don't cross the line. Pick that fucking line right up and walk straight forward with quotes and examples.

its a quote. not your words. say nigger

say it really loud and slowly

then you transfer to another school where teacher can teach