I'm bored. Let's talk about anyting. about me you, or anything else

I'm bored. Let's talk about anyting. about me you, or anything else.



do you know a good way to loose weight without exercising?


I just farted and it smells like scrambled eggs. How do I play it cool enough for people to not think it's me? I can't leave the room, and I feel like I'm going to fart again.

Hey i was thinking about starting this exact thread. I still have to find a topic though

Always do something with your body. Try not to take elevator, when you sit down keep shaking your legs to burn calories, stuff like that

how fat are you? unless you aren't obose just try to GAIN weight from lifting. well thats also exercise but you can eat as much tasty food as you want if your died consist enough protein.

Loosing weight is all about calorie deficit. Best way to do it is to count calories. Buy a scale that you would normally use for drugs and use an app like my fitness pal to keep track of how much you are eating. Now that you now how much you eat, reduce the calories until you are below maintenance levels, and you will lose weight.

who many people are there? just say it wasn't you and try to be a good liar.

I'm not that fat, but I wanna become skinny

esp the stomach area and thighs area are bit too fatty

doing some sport maybe? i have some friends who are doing thai box and they won't get buff just more skinny. other than that its pretty much all about diet. Why do you want to be skinny anyway? being strong is way better if you ask me.

Lets talk about me and you lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that maybe

Im sorry i just had to

12 people, it's an intervention for a coworker. I think I fucked up, I panicked and made an egg pun. I feel like it would be super awkward to leave normally, during all this, but after the fart and the dumb joke idk. It's a strong smell too, not gross like poop smell, just strong scrambled egg smell.

acting all awkward will just get the situation worse. all you can do now is not giving a fuck. tell em this was your bio weapon or something. will you be fired after this? no!(most likely) will your coworker will threat you like a second hitler? no! will your life end from this? guess what..

is this some kind of music lyrics? am i living under a stone once again?

Stop eating nigga. Works like a charm


nahh don't wanna work out

Do you think I still have a shot with the guy's daughter? She's eggceptionally good looking.

i don't even know where is that gif from. you are free to give as sauce though.

why not? anyway, unless you are ritch as fuck there is not other legit way but working out, eating less or both.

Its lets talk about sex by saltnpepa
If youll check it out dont even bother with the remixes


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