I have no ego Sup Forums, every month I completely change to another obscure subculture and identity. One day I'm goth...

I have no ego Sup Forums, every month I completely change to another obscure subculture and identity. One day I'm goth, the next day I'm a hipster, and you know what I don't really care. I enjoy all music and styles, so much that I constantly change my identity and friends to experience music the way it's meant to be experienced inside it's retrospective culture, and I blend into every culture so seamlessly I make the truest fans cry poser tears because I'm better at their identity than them. I even do the same thing with religion, I once made my priest cry because of my advanced knowledge and diverse musical background.

Nice new pasta. Well written, I'll save it foe you.

>made a priest cry with your knowledge
Story time

That's okay half of the worlds population are female aswell.

I second this

based desu

>be me
>in confession
>tell him that he's going to hell and vatican 2 is invalid and satanic according to catholic dogma
>tell him that I'm going to become a muslim next week

4/10 im seeing a great beginning to a project that still needs lots of work.

why not try developing ideas by adding colorful flourishes? So you have no identity, why not expand on that? like maybe you answer by multiple names or whatever.

then you go into the subculture section. see, you're telling my you experience all these subcultures, but you're not giving me stereotypical examples of these subculture's behavior. as you transition into your bragging second phase, i don't think you're squeezing this enough, how about you talk about how girls fall for you helpless at the mercy of your superior intellect?

the religion aspect was a great epilogue, it tips the joke a bit, but it's great to spice up a good pasta with such an element.

so all in all, good work, but this is a piece that should be at least 2-3 paragraphs long.

hope to see you finish your project.

Cool story


great pasta

I agree with . Your pasta has a good foundation but it lacks a punch through it's weak transitioning of the atoey elements. You're an edgelord, *so what*? Let me "feel" the pain of the poseurs in the subsculture, or thr priest you made cry with your edgy knowledge.

>no ego
>better at their identity than then
>changing from subculture to subculture
You are such a pretentious twat.
Listen to more things than grimes and bon iver you art school drone

I have no ego Sup Forums, every month I completely change to another obscure subculture and identity. One day I'm goth, the next day I'm a hipster, and you know what I don't really care. I enjoy all music and styles, so much that I constantly change my identity and friends to experience music the way it's meant to be experienced inside it's retrospective culture, and I blend into every culture so seamlessly I make the truest fans cry poser tears because I'm better at their identity than them. I even do the same thing with religion, I once made my priest cry because of my advanced knowledge and diverse musical background

>I have no ego
That's psychologically impossible

what is ego death

>claims to have no ego
>while speaking in an entirely self absorbed manner

really makes you stop and think, huh?

a fuckin myth son put down the kool aid and a get a fuckin job

>it's retrospective culture

good thing you have no ego because a mistake like that is absolutely embarrassing

Agreed. Get a hold on your life you pseudo beatnick, OP

i work two jobs and have never tasted kool-aid

This thread is an Octomon of copypasta

underrated post

I don't get it, are you being meta? You literally posted a fight club pic while talking about how you have no ego, this is so cringey it has to be intentional.

I remember when I was 15 OP

You do know people do stuff for fun, right?


>having a subculture

>One day I'm goth, the next day I'm a hipster
No. Actually, what you're describing is straight-up just being a run-of-the-mill hipster (doing things for the sake of keeping up external appearances rather than fulfilling internal motivations.)
