Question- if I had unseen celeb nudes where would I go to trade them for other unseen celeb nudes? Anyone here know?

Question- if I had unseen celeb nudes where would I go to trade them for other unseen celeb nudes? Anyone here know?

Nice try, cybercop. What's your e-badge number?

You don't trade, just leak them like a good person

Nah, I'm genuine. What I've got is way too good to be leaked immediately.

No idea, mang. Good luck to ya.

say the name

Pic related ;)

I dont know who that cunt is.

she was in doctor who, cute girl

The work it takes to trade something like that never pays off, you always get screwed with fakes, and if yours are real they get leaked instantly to tabloids for money.

There are already nudes of her. She's done naked shizz

Oh damn I hope this isn't bs

too bad you can't just say a name, shit head

Jenna Coleman

Of course it is user

How can you be sure? Its perfectly plausible.

Don't be so gullible

This better be fucking real!!

At least she has an easily identifiable mole if anything faceless gets released ;)

I mean she's already gone topless, but I wouldn't complain seeing her naked again


Some movie she was. I don't remember the name