Do cold showers work Sup Forums. Some guy on youtube said it'll help me lose weight

Do cold showers work Sup Forums. Some guy on youtube said it'll help me lose weight

No but they feel good after a work out

Yeah they work. They get you just as clean as hot or even lukewarm showers do.

why don't you just try eating less?

they dont help you lose weight but they can tighten skin and close pours

I like food

Diet and excercise help you lose weight you lazy fuck.

It's not exactly about losing weight, but raising natural testosterone. Which can help with weight loss.

laughed so hard

this is why I put up with the trap and the fur threads on Sup Forums

If you stop eating and shiver like a motherfucker for large amounts of time it might just work user.

>Do cold showers work Sup Forums. Some guy on youtube said it'll help me lose weight
Of course not. DOn't be silly

stop jacking off every five hours and start working out, you fat fuck

Cold showers. Intermittent fasting. Fucking women 6/10 and higher. Thats how you lose weight faggot. Get at it and have fun

the latter two has always worked well for me. 4 decades worth of experience here.

the only way to do it is "calories in < calories out"
1) count the calroies in everything that goes into your mouth
2) find out how many calories your body needs
3) eat less calories than that
4) constantly re-evaluate your required calories as you lose weight

What is intermittent fasting?

>i cant control myself

have some days where you eat once or sparingly because you were too busy working hard for that money and banging chicks. Remember, 6 or higher ONLY>

Pretty much this. I sometimes go 24h periods without eating, maybe a some milk or V8 but a lot of water. Then I eat a bunch. Big cats in the wild go days without eating, then they eat 3 antelopes. I'm basically a human tiger.

Easiest way for intermittent fasting, skip breakfast. You're going to eat the regular amount of calories a day, but skip breakfast. Don't eat until noon.

Black coffee or water until noon.

What I'm talking about is testosterone boosting, again.

Eating in the morning isn't good because your cortisol levels are at their highest. You'll be hungry in an hour anyway.

How do you boost testosterone naturally?

BAMP. I do this and feel great.