Sup Forumsros... poor fag here. Im a student from another country, living in the USA

Sup Forumsros... poor fag here. Im a student from another country, living in the USA.

Im hungry as fuck. ¿Is there anyway i can get free food? Im not talking about stealing things, im not that kind of guy.

Today is my 2 day without anything and i feel really bad.

You can always get quints.

recycle your own shit and piss




Also, try EBT/food stamps, food kitchens, homeless shelters.

But I have EBT and access to food and I still steal. Stealing is fun; do it fgt

Go to a soup kitchen, or a homeless shelter. Best of luck, remeber, fast-food chains throw out some pretty decent scraps.

Can't do bro. 1 of my brothers got killed in my country for some shit like that. Im not going to dissapoint my mother again.

I rather to be hungry.

Thanks for the idea!

Dude, this is america...nobody gonna kill you for stealing food.
Maybe drugs, but not food

Nobody kill you for stealing food in Eagleland.

Most places, they let you off with a warning. Ticket if you're unlucky. Misdemeanor depending on state laws and you're REALLY unlucky.

Worst case scenario, you get community service. And some of the community service place offer meals. =D

I'm eating stolen food right now, no joke. It really does taste better.

Soup kitchen
Dumpster dive resturants/grocery store
Pan handle
Sell blood
Hunt or fish
Sell belongings
Dine and dash
Raid gardens/fruit trees
Eat local vegetation

Shit use your brain son

panera and krispy kreme both used to throw out tons of perfectly good food when i was in college and broke, look for the bags with no other shit in them. panera especially would have several bags of just bread like every night. a lot of other places throw out expired food that isnt really bad like pre packaged shit thats one day past the expiration date, just go dig around in dumpsters

Food stamps, half the nignogs are already doing it.

This and this. I had to steal when my mother was poor and she couldn't afford food for us

Look for EBT programs, go to a PTA, look into what options your community has. Ask your neighbors for food and pay them back later, or do some kind of job/favor for them in return. The last worry you should have in the U.S. is not having food man. If I knew you, I'd feed you what I have

Sell your goddamn computer/phone and use the money to eat

Fucking idiot

But you're lying to try to get someone to send you money, so fuck off

You're useless if you cant live off the land...what would you fucks do in survival situations

Dunno guys. Im not a fuckin saint but i don't want to fuck my options to live here.

Im doing my best to stay alive, without loosing my soul in the process

Soup kitchen sounds great.

Its not great. They might not even serve you if you look proper

Going jail would be an easy way to go. Otherwise go to downtown fast food places before they close, almost always they will have leftovers and scrap you can eat.

Also i remember a hobo survival guide pasta on b long time ago, anyone saved it? Something about going pool for free showers etc.

I did ask for money? No i didn't. I came here to ask for info.

Just as a regular Sup Forumsro. So STFU

believe me... i sold everything i used to have in order to pay the rent and eat the last month.

Get a paper route

If you lose your soul for stealing food because you're hungry, you need a new god.

If you're a college student at a public university, they'll feed you if you can't afford it. Yeah, you'll be eating cafeteria food 3 times a day and they probably close up at 10-11 PM, but that's better than starving. Go talk to the VP of Student Affairs or the Dean of your college. Do it tomorrow.

There are actually a few options available to you.

1) Go to the Food bank. That's what it's for. They will give you a box of free food. It won't be amazing food or anything, mostly a bunch of canned food, peanut butter, bread, and maybe some vegetables (the food comes from donations and it is given as a public service).
2) Go to a church and ask the priest/staff. Even if you're not religious then this can still work. In the worst case scenario the church people will tell you where else you can go to get food.
3) Go ask at a community center. Some cities have programs that help people in these situations. They can also redirect you to other places that would help.
4) Occasionally there are non-profits that work in specific communities. These are harder to find and the type of stuff they do is more varied. I used to volunteer at one that worked in an impoverished community and basically did the same thing as a food bank (among a few other things).

You mentioned being from another country. If you are in the country legally then all of the above may be available to you. If you are in the country illegally then I'm not 100% sure community centers can help you out, though I think food banks still might.

You mentioned that you are a student. If you are in university there are often programs to help people out there (though very few of the programs apply to international students). It doesn't hurt to ask unless you're in the country illegally in which case you're better off asking elsewhere. If you are in a high school or something non-post-secondary then it's still worthwhile asking the school (more importantly they won't care about your international or legal status as much as a university will).

Thanks guys! Im in highschool right now.

This is some pretty good advice. I still think the university would help him out, and the church idea is great. Actually, most of the religious based student organizations offer a free lunch once or twice a week. Baptist Student Union, Wesley Center, etc. Go talk to the head of those (who's usually a non-student adult, so less embarrassment) and they'll help you out.

High school makes it trickier than college, but not by much. Go see the principal or assistant principal tomorrow and tell them your situation. You'll most likely get free breakfast and lunch.

Actually for an immigrant this could be really bad news. One of the stipulations to getting a visa+permit allowing you to live in the US is that you prove you have enough money to support yourself. The reason for that is that they won'd want you living on the street or ending up in social programs nor do they want you turning to crime like food theft. If OP were to get arrested for stealing for not having enough food then it may affect his status in the country.

I really appreciate this guys... I so damn hard to talk when u feel like shit.

fucking checked?

where are you from OP?

also checked

South America... Argentina !
