Story time:

Story time:

My roommate (6.5/10) has been bugging me to give her some acid for some time now (she has never offered to pay mind you, but getting guys to buy her stuff is her *thing*). I got a new vial last night and told our other roommate, who let it slip to her, etc. etc., and after a bunch of whining last night I said "Okay how about tomorrow night?" She's never tripped before so she wanted just a little, but being the nice roommate I am I put four drops right on her tongue.

About 40 minutes ago.

Anyways, not my personal army etc., but if you want to talk to her about the impending apocalypse or how Muslim rabbits scream, hit her up: 8503131894.

Dunno if she'll figure out how to answer it tho :)

Other urls found in this thread:

Meantime, general trip thread!

Damn that is a lot to give a first time tripper. She is going to outerspace man. I'd just be worried about her having a bad trip. I hate tripping with first time users you never know how they are going to react especially to a dose that big.


haha, yup ;) I figure at the very least she'll stop bugging me for drugs, best case scenario have a real reckoning with herself.

FYI: her name is Kathy

Fuck it I am texting emergency broadcast signals to her.

lol I don't think she's able to read the screen...

what I'm considering blasting a little later:

Hahah shit. I am warning about an incoming meteor. Is she tripping balls yet?

Well I will continue lurking I want to see how this plays out. Let me know when she starts really tripping and I may be inclined to fuck with her some more.

she's in her room listening to some radio bullshit. been like 50 minutes so I think yes, probably spaceballs

Hahah you haven't tried to peak? You frying tonight as well or just her?

just knocked on her door. I can hear her talking to herself, can't hear what about

no I've got work in six hours. will try the door in a minute

I can't believe you are not more curious lol. That shit would be pure entertainment to me. I'd want to know exactly what was up. 4 drops of pure acid is going to blow anyones mind let alone a person who has never even done any.

Shit bumping

is it ez to get a vial

Bumping with 100% oregano comment while I wait

havent done acid before .. but guess that tripping balls will not be most desirable outcome for her first trip

Update OP better have been real acid and not 25 i

Not necessarily. The problem is the dosage. She would have tripped balls with 1-2 hits. He gave her 4 directly on her tongue. That is a veterans dose. She is going to be tripping major major balls.

Sounds like bullshit to me.

You've ruined this poor 2 dollar whore

She freaking out OP?

If true, despite if she's a bitch or not, that's a real dick thing to do knowing what bad trips can do to someone

OP here, been talking to her about stuff--she ain't seen any text messages, can't get her to focus enough to find her phone :/ Having a good/weird time so far though

0p take a picture of her without her knowing.Post it thenwe will text it to her and freak her out

i like your thinking boi