Guys, i need help. what lane should I play?

Guys, i need help. what lane should I play?



any othe champs?

44 mastery, I HOPE unranked...


Im unranked and pretty shit tnh fam

i kinda suck at ganking

Mostly tanks and Mages

ADC is love, ADC is life! Aaaaand most of people suck at this role so you can easily carry your ass at least to platina if not higher

Right but if you're bad, playing PvE is a lot easier than playing PvP. Learning to gank is easier than learning to respond to a gank whilst laning.

Source; I'm not completely awful.

this its ok mostly ppl doesnt know how to, even in plat rank...
if u play mages also try mid lane

tbh i love playing as Yasuo or Ahri in mid, but at the same time i love playing as Darius or as Poppy on top, i rarely Jungle because im always farming slowly.

I know, im trying to learn how to play with bots but its not as much fun as normals.

Only ADC i can play is Jhin and Vayne

When I say PvE, I mean playing Jungle.

Oh, im sorry, im a complete noob haha.

What region do you play on?

EUW, my LoL is in german with korean VO

I'm EUW too.
But really I think the best way to learn LoL is by jungling, because you can start off slow, without too much pressure from an enemy laner (because you're not in a lane). And you can also see how all of the lanes function, and learn about a lot of different champions, since you'll be in all 3 lanes for a lot of the game, which can help you transition into other roles at a later date. It really does improve your game knowledge, and lets you have mapwide impact, without too much risk.

EUW add me my dear children. need some peps to play with.

Russian roulette

Just play fucking river lane and farm scuttle for 15 minutes

I agree scuttle buff is really op at times

scuttle = vision
vision = OP
Scuttle = OP

A guitar.

Support sticks

holy shit ferret got rekt

Jungling is so different from laning, I don't think it's a good idea to introduce them into jungling before all...
I introduced a lot of ppl to LOL and they always found a lane where they could play & train, either top, mid or bot. Learning how to farm & the laning phases is much more important than learning how to kill neutral monsters, 'caus that way, they'd learn how to play against others champions.
Imagine a noob, ganking an enemy champion they never met.. It'd fail & they'd learn almost nothing from it.