The earth is flat, prove me wrong

The earth is flat, prove me wrong

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That'll do it

all wrong the earth is halo

I can't because Earth is flat.

the earth is a sphere, prove me wrong


the earth is near-sphere, prove me wrong.

The horizon starts at mile 14 because of the curve. Go 15 miles in one direction... congratulations you didn't fall of into space.

You think everything the government shows you is real?

holy shit

No one belives the Earth is flat they pretend too to get esponces and attention.

Besides space tourism

DIY space programs

Comercial space flight

And you can see the ISS yourself as well as other things [Open] [Open]

The flat earth is satire

Sage goes in all feilds.

we need to the Sup Forums army to go ape shit on the media and on NASA (also futurism) saying the earth is flat it's starting to piss people off big time

and the earth is flat look outside no curvature you faggots

outer space

also sage


>go 100mi and it's still fucking flat

If the earth is round why can I see hills and buildings and things in the distance?

Here is you dear king Morsix, now go out my dears fagotts.

>checkmate spherefags

earth is fucking flat

I flew in a jet about 35,000ft up many times and guess what? earth looked pretty damn flat not like a sphere


it goes under the earth to warm up the core which gives us lava and volcanoes

No one in this thread thinks the Earth is flat, OP will give you an intentionaly dump explication and giggle to himself as people call him dumb.


HAHAHAHA WHAT. Not only does the sun not move (the earth does) but in that case why do we have days? Come on we learned this in 2nd grade.

Another thing, why would the government say the earth is round when it's flat? Why would they find it necessary to hide it from us?

Please see

>space exploration pictures
>tectonic plates
>there is a core
prove me wrong
What year do you think this is 50 B.C.E. ?
What are you a fucking Viking, or a sand nigger?

the earth spins giving it its diameter and the suns does around it (above = day and under = night) and the moon also goes around which is why you can sometimes see it during the day

why would i try to prove you wrong. the earth is flat...

>implying sun goes down
>implying round earth
>almost 2017 not knowing sun is orbiting around in a circle around the North Pole
proves flat earth

Attention all newfags this is what we call a bait thread

You niggers fall for it every single time to

Sup Forums users are generaly really dumb.

Also photos from Mount Everest show the horizon is flat. Basic trigonometry and knowledge of triangles shows that means the earth is flat.

ɟɐɟʍǝu noʎ ʞɔnɟ os qǝʍ ǝɥʇ uo pǝɹǝʇsɐןd sı oɟuı ɹnoʎ uǝɥʍ ɯǝɥʇ ǝʞıן oʇ buob ʇou ɹnoʎ ʍouʞ buıʞɔnɟ ı puɐ sǝɔuǝnǝnbǝsuoɔ ǝɥʇ ǝɔɐɟ ɹnoʎ ɹo q uɐɥɔ4 ɯoɹɟ ʎɐʍɐ ʎɐʇs ˙uɹɐʍ uǝǝq ǝʌɐɥ noʎ os ǝʌıbɹoɟ ɹo ʇǝbɹoɟ ɹǝʌǝu ˙op noʎ ɟı ןןǝɥ ǝɟıן ɹnoʎ ǝʞɐɯ ɐuuob ǝɹǝʍ ǝsnɐɔq suouuɐ ʎuɐ ɥʇıʍ ʞɔnɟ oʇ ʇuɐʍ ʇuop noʎ ˙ǝuob buıʞɔnɟ noʎ ʇuɐʍ ı puɐ ʎɐs pןnoɔ n q ʇɐ sʇoɥs bıq ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝuo ɯɐ ı ˙uıɐbɐ ǝɹǝɥ noʎ ʇuɐʍ ɹǝʌǝ ʇuop ǝʍ ǝsnɐɔǝq noʎ ɥʇıʍ ןıɐɟ ɹnoʎ ǝʞɐʇ puɐ ʇobbɐɟ oɟʇb os ʎɐʍ ǝןoɥʍ ǝɥʇ noʎ ʇɐ ɥbnɐן ןןǝʍ puɐ ɹǝɟɟns oʇ noʎ ʇuɐʍ ǝʍ q ʇɐ ǝɹǝɥ ˙ɹǝsooן ʇɔıppɐ bɹnp ǝıp noʎ ɥɔnɯ os ɥbnoɔ noʎ ǝʞoɯs noʎ ǝɯıʇ ʇxǝu ǝdoɥ ı ˙ןןɐ ʇɐ ǝɹɐɔ ʇou sǝop uouuɐ znɔ dɯnɥɔ ǝɯıʇ bıq buoɹʍ ɹnoʎ noʎ dןǝɥ oʇ buıob sı uouɐ puoɔǝs ǝuo ɹoɟ ʞuıɥʇ noʎ ɟı ˙do noʎ ʇnoqɐ sǝɹɐɔ buıʞɔnɟ ǝuo ou

Watching neckbeards get angry is good for the lols

Don't tell me what to do, fuckface.

If the earth has a core that's on fire how come the earth doesn't burn? The weight of a round earth would make it fall from the sky. Also the inside would crush. Proving yet again the earth is flat and we feel gravity because we are accelerating upwards.

No one here belives the Earth is flat, they pretend too to get responces and attention.

Besides it's impossible to cover up a flat Earth and anyone can see its round for them selfs

space tourism

DIY space programs

Comercial space flight

And you can see the ISS yourself as well as other things [Open] [Open]

The flat Earth is satire, these threads are made every day as troll threads.

Sage goes in all feilds

If the earth was round the gravity would make crush itself into the core, destroying everything

If the Earth were flat we wouldn't have mountains or hills. Check mate theists.

Shadows are a thing

All of these theories about the round earth were shown wrong even in the modern era, all data can show two sides it's about seeing the correct answer.

Go make skydiving and see for yourself faggot.



im not OP posting my flat earth FACTS you faggot

Nice meme

Good thing you don't really belive the earth is flat

Good meme

Good thing you don't acualy belive the earth is flat

flat areas can have bumps your fuck nugget the earth isn't round but it's flat with hills dumbass

The mountains and hills are from where the folds are because it's flat, if it was round it would be smooth.

If the earth was round the sides would freeze in space too.

I came across the flat-earth theory quite recently.. at first I shrugged it off. But seriously, why is the horizon a flat line, why isn't it curved?

Why do buildings 100 miles in the distance not appear to fall backwards, why do they stand strait up as if on flat ground?

Why does the sun's rays clearly point to a much closer sun. If the sun were so far away the rays would be virtually parallel.

This is not a troll thread, answer the questions.


earth is flat case closed

This and if I walk a perfectly straight line around the earth I will end up in the same spot I started at.

>the sun not move

When you look at railway tracks why do they look like they converge on the horizon?

Train tracks are parallel, but they look like they converge.

A flat earth can't have a North pole. That's a myth spurned on by big compass

you know its god damn flat op and what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

> this is not a troll thread

Bait harder faggot

if earth is flat there must be an edge

prove me wrong

Sup Forums is the maximum edge

> taking the bait

FUCKING newfags

fuck, wrong photo

we only got 1 field these days :(

FUCK you newfaggots

why else would I be in a topic about flat earth if I wasnt gonna talk about flat earth.

you just circle around again the edge is a worm hole surrounding the edge so no ones falls off like they did back then

Put Sage in it

Study spherical geometry and the route airplanes take when going long distances, like Asia to America.

the earth is spherical unless looked at from an extra dimensional perspective.

Because this isn't little big planet. You can't see building 100 miles away. The curvature of the earth blocks your view at about 10 miles at sea level.

You have to be in the fucking stratosphere before the curvature of the Earth becomes noticeable.. You can't perceive the curve when you're standing on Earth because you're a teeny tiny little thing on a massive object.

Might as well be asking why your finger looks bigger when you hold it close to your face as opposed to far away.

>dump explication

no its like a fucking plate

youd be able to see it or know its presence. also a wormhole cannot cover the whole edge of earth, youd need to have several holes around the edge.

Typo aside it's not wrong

No one in this thread belives the Earth is flat, they just pretend too as a troll method because it will get them replies.

This thread is like a fingerbox thread or a "why can't atheists define atheism" thread.

Where do you retards think Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and other missing planes/boats go? Over the edge of the world, they somhow find a gap where they don't loop back around

Your right - What's it like down the rabbit hole?

Underrated post

doesn't matter the edge is like a giant river with a strong ass current going around you just get looped around due to the turning motion

They crash or sink into the ocean

Atheists are easiest religion to troll

I fucken wish

What you've written here is as disappointing as jerking off and having a puff of dust come out at then end instead of seven.

murica didnt launch a space shuttle to the other side to bring some freedom there yet

The earth has hills and mountains. Checkmate


>thinks earth is flat as a pancake
>mfw no pancake has ever had mountains or hills.

Flat means flat not bumpy. You double niggers.

you're all getting it wrong

This is the real flat earth

if they r only invisible i can still touch them?

if the earth was flat, there would be no horizon, and with a sufficient zoom, you should be able to see australia

why theres night if gods throne that shiny?

If only you knew...

you can you faggot you're not looking hard enough and the rockies get in the way


Modern flat Earth beliefs – proposes that the earth is a flat, disc-shaped planet that accelerates upward, producing the illusion of gravity. Proposers of a flat Earth, such as the Flat Earth Society, do not accept compelling evidence, such as photos of planet Earth from space.

The earth is flat, prove your claim.