Should it be illegal for retards to get married?

Should it be illegal for retards to get married?

why? because you're jealous that retards found love easier than you?

Retards can't consent. So no? I think that's rape or something.

I heard they're sterile anyway but it should be illegal for them to breed, but I guess not to be in a relationship since a normal woman wouldn't be with him.


Why dont you want to get married, OP?

No, because shes too dumb to cheat and use her potato oven for evil.

It's funny how it talk about them like they're regular people

I'm down...

Hahaha i know right

It should be illegal not to throw them in incinerators at birth.
>that edge tho

Absolute not, it would not be fair as human beings for us to deny the union of any man and woman just because they are Trump supporters

Not to be edgy but they seriously are a pollution in the gene pool and encouraging retards to breed means their shit weak genes are prolonged. Humans will never achieve maximum physical capability as long as spazmoids are fucking.

Fu k yew gays

The correct answer

The offspring is going to have so many chromosomes it's going to go full circle and come out handsome squidward.

Before we eliminate them from the planet, we must first study the role of retard strength and how to extract it from the mongoloid.

This guy...


technically just the man is sterile. girl downies can still get pregnant

Jesus Christ, who gave it a gun!

if he had sex with her that is rape, fucking pedophiles make me sick!

Considering the path of human evolution over the last few tens of thousands of years there is nothing wrong with this. We don't exactly fall victim to natural selection anymore and don't practice artifical selection. The majority of us on this board wouldn't be here if that we followed either.

I was arguing for the sake of arguing with my gf one night. We were talking about how people shouldn't engage in romantic relationships with children because they couldn't grasp the concept. She listed off left and right why it shouldn't happen and then I brought up the issue of a mentally stable person having a relationship with a person with downs syndrome. She was speechless. They have the mentality of an adolescent so it would seem the issue must lie within the age. Or so it seems to me. Pick my logic apart, please. I love arguing about this shit with her.

Nah, love is love.

love not found

Hey, we r awl brovers heree

Its like two little children getting married. Its disturbing.

I think we should go full on eugenics.