What's wrong with my kitten Sup Forums

What's wrong with my kitten Sup Forums
I'm afraid she's going to die.
shes super skinny and losing hair, has a very groan sickly meow...won't eat won't drink...and she feels so weak when I old her I don't know what to do. She has fleas really bad could that have made her sick??

Thats fucking mange dude. Take her to the vet pronto.

look at the conditions your keeping the animal in. Are you serious right now?

It could also be the food shes eating. Change her diet

Take her to a veterinarian immediately.

You are an idiot.
Take her and that other cat to the vet and tell them you are incapable of caring for the second easiest pet next to a betafish

Yeah OP just go get some iams and that near death kitten will spring back to life

That kitten is too young for a flea collar. You are literally poisoning it to death

Clean the fleas off with a mix of bleach and ammonia in a big plastic container. Put the kitten in, pour in chemicals over kitten and close the lid for it to jump around and shake off the dead fleas. Don't be a faggot and abuse that kitten.

It said on the box for kittens and they're all about 6 months

He's on a hunger strike for travonn martin

What do you mean? I change their water and scoop their box..the shit on the floor is cat food

Those kittens are not 6 months old. I'd be surprised if they were 3 months old

This cat is in severe condition and needs to see a vet asap. I'm sorry but it's going to die if you don't get it help.

What's wrong with her?? All the other cats have fleas but appear perfectly healthy and are all very active

In reds can't take care of themselves, don't expect them to care for animals.

EXIF data scrubbed from photo including camera model number which means it was removed intentionally. Troll. Ignore.

It looks like mange imo, take her to the vet

Also clean your house you filthy fuck, shit looks disgusting.

Ok OP dont listen to this faggot...unless you want to kill the cat. Yes flea collars for very young cats can be a problem there are other flea dip/bath solutions that can work. But i would say you really need to get that cat to the vet...it may already be too late so the sooner the better.

Haha busted

They don't look six months. Take the collar off now. You need to get her treated for fleas and ticks. Why the hell does your car have fleas and you haven't done anything about it. Fleas are now in your house - carpets, everywhere. Also probably on the other cats.

Fleas can cause anemia and give the kitten tapeworms.

Take the flea collar off. Honestly I don't trust you enlighten to tell you how to bathe the cat, since you let it get in this condition, and instead of CALLING A VET you're on fucking Sup Forums. You should not have this animal if you don't know how to prevent basic parasitic infections, or to fix it, or what a kitten on deaths door looks like. Take it to the vet ASAP and surrender it. Take the others as well.

That's not mange. That's a wet leg from someone trying to bathe it.

Or they lurked long enough not to be as stupid as your parents were the day they decided to not abort you after all. Stupid faggot.

Thanks I actually feel a lot better.

Thanks, you just made me feel a lot better pointing this out, I've been away from Sup Forums for years, I forgot to just assume everything is trolling me.

Stop trying to kill that kitten you faggot. Those fleas need to be taken care of first and immediately and there is nothing wrong with a DIY dip. You piece of shit that's not cool.

A bad flea infestation can kill a kitten. Check her tongue, if pale, means anemia, emergency vet nao! Electric blanket and some pedialyte to stave off shock on the way there.

Aside from the cat food, that floor is dirty as fuck and indicative of a severe flea infestation. Are you keeping it Locked up in there?

I grew up with a literally schizophrenic parent that would keep flea ridden cats locked up in one of the bathrooms, and the tile would start to look like that from all the flea dirt.

If you leave the model number it just looks like an unconfigured camera, which most are. If you delete it all it looks stupid because even the cheapest digicam leaves it's model number.

Son, you need a new hobby.

Like fapping?

That kitten needs professional attention ASAP. She probably has worms, fleas and god knows what else.

Seriously, OP. If you don't take her, she will probably die.