CONTINUING Civilization thread - Red team

CONTINUING Civilization thread - Red team

Try and grow this civilization until thread is 404'd.

To trigger an event, First user to reply to my latest post must have dubs.
Multiple dubs will not happen at the same time.
(Try and be realistic)

>We left off with:

Soldiers: 21
Guards: 10
Villagers: 0
Leader: 1
God: 1
Food: 1083
Wood: 700
Stone: 310
Iron: 20
Farmers: 50
Scientists: 10
Miners: 2

winter comes

Burn the bridge

destroy bridge

Winter comes

The families of the dead mexicans come for revenge. They are 110 and have lowriders


Have sex with all the bitches and cows finally, atleast for 3 rounds.

I love my fucking monkey lord

Mexicans wage war on the village. If we win, we steal everything they have.

build gay brothel

Train scouts, they're proficient in espionage and sabotage, also they have an inexplicable love for fromage. Send em east.

Make a swimming pool

And now we wait for the Winter

Each villager must eat 5 food everyday to survive.
>Miners produce 20 stone and 20 iron
>Each villager (50) eats 2.5 food
>125 food is eaten

Soldiers: 21
Guards: 10
Villagers: 50
Leader: 1
God: 1
Food: 958
Wood: 700
Stone: 330
Iron: 40
Farmers: 0
Scientists: 10
Miners: 2

Harambe comes back, is a village protector

build giant snowman using all snow

I requesting to build 2-3 hunters hut and go for the bears or moose
50+ food each turn

25% of the villagers get sick. The village needs a hospital.

Eat the children

Build a dock and start fishing

Pray for sun god to end the winter and offer him sex with all the bitches in the village.
Kids will become demigods.

Go hunting

Convert farmers to hunters and start hunting in the forest

Build giant snowman

Are you retarded, the water froze.

You little fucker

Big Christmas orgy, all working females get pregnant.

Scientists create a dome surrounding the village, they can regulate the weather conditions inside it.

they build a mcdonalds

Harambe returns from his pilgramage and offers to be leader of scouts for the small civilization, occasionally bringing back food, treasure and items of interest to the people.

Just because they pray doesn't mean it will happen

gangrape the cows

Good man

Cross the bridge and explore

My sides. After 20 time winter Rolling hè ended it instantly winrar

All the villagers smoke weed and get the munchies

We are rejected because we have God named D.
Sun God is pissed.
Each villager (50) eats 2.5 food.
>125 food is eaten
>Miners produce 20 stone and 20 iron

Soldiers: 21
Guards: 10
Villagers: 50
Leader: 1
God: 1
Food: 833
Wood: 700
Stone: 350
Iron: 60
Farmers: 0
Scientists: 10
Miners: 2

Well break the fucking ice

Farmers go hunting

Start hunting in the forest

5 frost trolls attempt to raid the village

Eat the children

wildling army gathers across the river

Send hunters for food.

Found mexican Taco store 200 food.

Scout east.

Kill god

What resources are available on the map?

Destroy houses, build igloos

send 20 villagers into the mine as miners, 20 villagers into the forest as hunters

Convert farmers to hunters

Then fuck the D. and the cows.
Also start fishing.

CURRENT MAP: Wood, Stone, Iron, Cows, Apples

good luck having to sit in the fucking cold waiting hours for a fish.

make 10 farmers hunters
then get 10 hunters to go look for food and other resources

>We are rejected because we have God named D.


also farmers build greenhouses for farming

Hunt for food

Scout east

Light fires so we dont freeze


Scout across the river

Half of the population hangs themselves and are eaten by the rest

Go lumber, and make a watermill.

Scout far away from the village to expand the map

Spring comes



Winter ends and goblin (25) raid village

i want blood

send scouts in all 4 directions

20 villagers build guard towers out of stone with a gate in between on our side of the river
>-10 iron
>-40 stone

re roll

What powers does the god of D. have?
He should use them for the good of his people.

10 villagers become hunters and they scout the area for food, killing animals on sight with current technology-weapons

A group of rival villagers appears armed with axes and clubs, and they begin butchering and raping anyone they find outside of the walls.

20 villagers build guard towers out of stone with a gate in between on our side of the river
>-10 iron
>-40 stone

D. Has sex with two women, Anna and Elizabeth

Winter is over!
>Farmers return to work
>Miners produce 20 stone and 20 iron

Soldiers: 21
Guards: 10
Villagers: 0
Leader: 1
God: 1
Food: 833
Wood: 700
Stone: 370
Iron: 80
Farmers: 50
Scientists: 10
Miners: 2

10 villagers become hunters and they scout the area for food, killing animals on sight with current technology-weapons

20 villagers have massive orgy

winter comes

Every farmer becomes a SJW and supports bernie sanders

Vikings come from the rivers, all farms outside farms are raided.

Elections start

The power of cynicism


There's no opposition what's the point ?

10 farmers build more houses everyone has massive sexy orgy

OP here.
These people actually have jobs.

A group of savages appear, armed with axes and clubs. They begin raping and butchering anyone outside of the walls




Scientists develop nukes

OP, can I make a 3D animation movie using this storyline?

the spring thaw causes a flood that destroys all farms outside of the walls


Ya so they quit their jobs and expect the government to do all their shit for them

We can't have that becouse of
>We are rejected because we have God named D.

Spring is the mating season OP.



Niggers come and rape all the women and rob stores n sheit

spring mating season kek

Cool cool, choose two capital letters

Do it please, dont forget to link it