Can marijuana help me with my anxiety issues?

Can marijuana help me with my anxiety issues?

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100% yes its great only smoke to calm down not for the hight or shit

Yes, but withdraw will fuck you up harder so just deal with it or get meds or some shit

yes because u can blame everything u say on being high

huge time pot head here

Not sure user, when i first started smoking i used to go VERY anxious....

Ive read other peeps get very anxious too, so u better b careful

everyone in this thread is lieing

marihuana can trigger/worsen anxiety.i used to be very social and after 6 years smoking im scared to leave my house

Yeah. But you'll start to feel anxious while sober and want to be high all the time. That's how dependencies are born.

Fix your shit first.

It can either help you with it, or make it way worse.

depends on what kind of person you are, foe some people it fixes them for others just enhaces and makes you more anxious/paranoid

This, weed is weird, it affects everyone differently

I actually got anxiety from it, so take that as you will.

No, it increases your heart rate which tells your brain that something is wrong and it also lowers your blood sugar which can make you feel lightheaded,shaky, and anxious. Avoid coffee, weed, soda and instead try exercising and spending time with people.

Went to a docter and they wont give me medications they recommended a counsilor to help with it, but I don't want that shit so my only other option is marijuana or illegal drugs.

What about just taking cbd oil? Supposedly helps with anxiety, no high involved. Idk how reliable that is though look around a little.

weed is not an option since it will probably make it worse

nice tripps
also this is good advice

first time i ever got trips. lol sweet.

Cannabis thread instant bump

My ex used to use meds to calm hers down but then became a huge pothead instead to deal, thought id be cool with it but after almost a year i realized it was all she really cared about, it "solved" all her problems, she went on to date another pothead after, feelsbadman.jpg but i got what i asked for, dont become dependant, figure out your shit then maybe use it to relax once in a while


No. It will for the amout of time you are high. Then you will build up indurance and smoke out your probblems and be a stupid stoner. Just go to a psychologist and work out the problam. It worked for. Me. Way better then the time i tryed smokeing weed all the time.

Yeah i wouldn't go with just any old weed for anxiety issues because weed tends to make your mind run at a mile per minute, so if you tend to overthink things and get nervous about certain outcomes already, it might put you on overhaul and cause you to have a panic attack.

If you're in an area with dispenseries where you have a selection of strains (most if not all shops have ones for relaxation and anti-anxiety) I would go for one of those, but other than that you might want to be careful. Some strains have a tendency to amplify what's already there.

You might want to give it a test run in your house, handle some daily tasks and see how you do. Marijuana can be a beautiful thing snd do you a lot of good.

How can I make cannabis extract with ethanol or propyleneglycol without heating up the stuff? All the recipes I've found did require some sort of preheat before putting marijuana into the alcohol

Marijuana doesn't do to you, this guy is just an idiot.

Same here, smoked on and off for 3 years but after getting in a relationship with a pothead i had one bad panic attack and it was all downhill after that, been in a depression ever since (was about a year ago) and havent touched the stuff since, i feel like i have a better awareness of my mental state which is key to a good time but now i cant enjoy it without trying to have a goodtime which kinda takes away from the experience

Tell what ever doctor you see that you DON'T want to use pills manufactured in a fucking factory for your anxiety. Tell them you think that's poison for your body. Tell them you want something natural. They'll be more inclined to get you a medical marijuana card.

>Smoke a bowl or 2 before bed to relax
>Feel fine about doing this every day
>Having a drink on a weekday
>Feel bad
Whats with this? Lost of friends of mine also feel it

Every doctor will ONLY ever reccomend a counsilor to me, and I really am not interested in that.

sometimes it makes me anxious, mostly like around people im not so comfortable with oe when im hungry etc. or for example when something hurts or something bad happens it just starts an avalanche of bad thoughts kind of like a mini panic attack. i can sometimes stop it by calming myself by breathing slow or with positive thoughts. but on the other hand sometimes it makes me feel awesome, mixed with alcohol its godly, also depends on the strain some make me couch locked and some hyperactive, happy, general good feeling.. so in the end man it depends on situation/place/people around you/literally what you ate that day and etc. have a nice high if youre reading this :)


Sack up, you don't need drugs.

Bah. I don't know what else to do then. I live in Cali and I literally got a medical card for saying "i get headaches sometimes"

Come over here to the West Sup Forumsro

Why can't I just ask for a herb prescription?

Just because marijuana is a plant doesn't mean it's natural to smoke it. Your body still treats it as a foreign chemical/poison. It increases your heart rate in an unnatural way which tells your brain that something is wrong and it lowers your blood sugar which makes you feel lightheaded, shaky, and anxious.

In oregon, Its legal here even without a card

everyone in this thread is not lying, but for some people, weed will fuck your ass.

i become anxious every time i smoke weed and i can't hold a convo with people, so i smoke alone. i smoke weed because i have no social life anyway.

You're speaking objectively when it's different for everybody. I have never experienced what you're describing, stop redpilling people on pot like it's a real drug, it's not even fucking bad


Smoking makes being alone so much easier. Makes for a more expensive habit though

It can potentially make them worse.

>drugs affect everyone exactly the same!

You also forgot about increased ascorbic acid depletion rate.

le bump

>increased ascorbic acid depletion rate
oh no, whatever shall I do

You faggots sound like parents on Facebook

I never said it was bad. And THC affects the human brain the same way for everyone. How they deal with these effects is different. It's a fact that smoking weed will cause you to feel anxiety, but if you don't have anxiety problems then you probably don't even notice it. Just my opinion

Bro he's right, my absorbic acid depletion rate is so increased rn :(((

Take shrooms once and you won't have anxiety for months, that's what I did. Just a minor dose (1g), You won't trip at all and you'll fix a lot of your issues user.

You talking shit about weed and you bitch did forget about vitamin C. Talk it too or gtfo, weed hater

u might come across a doc whos gonna prescribe u Klonopin or any other benzodiazepine....

My advice is DONT use benzos

Don't lump me in with what other people say you faggot

Is there truth to this? Any other anons can back this up??

On/ off smoker of 4 years, and I never had anxiety issues, but it always helped me relax and not give a fuck about what happens near me. Lamp fell and broke? Fuck it, replace is later. People need a ride somewhere? Nope, too high for that shit. Etc. If you're trying to be social, have it with others, if not, burn inside your home, and just go to bed. You'll feel better later, but weed really is not for everyone.

Growing up will work the best. Then you will realize that getting involved and getting with the program for yourself has you focused on what matters instead of Santa level imagination bullshit.

You worthless millennial garbage will concoct any excuse in the universe to showcase what lazy, worthless, rancid garbage you are. A whole generation needing a holocaust, pathetic.

Why not?

I can, but they grow in europe mostly


There is some research to back it up. It's been known to help with addiction, depression, and anxiety. Just google it

this this this
You cant understand what bezos do to you in the long run.

This, I dont give a shit anymore. Unless it effects my house or my job its all chill

8 years 420 here can confirm that shit. It will happen to you if you are not cautious enough. Happened to me cause life and too much stress at work.
Be carefull. Had anxiety as a teen got it back thanks to dank memes. Np though quitting that amount of bong nicotine for me thats the fucking problem.
Anxiety is like go through it and in 9 of 10 cases no abort necessary. Im very stoned though.

Anxiety has always been a very big issue for me. the smallest thing can make me feel horrible. I just want to fix it.

Be wary OP, after 8 years of pretty heavy use its made me far worse off in the long run. Slow to motivate and easily irritated when I'm sober, and smoking does nothing except give me headaches. It's a drug, don't be stupid and overuse it. Quitting isn't really that hard, but after being a lazy piece of shit for so long I have a lot of bad habits I need to break before I'm free from it.

How about valium. I hear it mixed with weed is super relaxing at a low dose.

see they can really really fuk u up.
And some say benzo addiction is way worse than heroin addiction

>tfw have major motivation issues from long time depression
>Weed makes you less motivated/lazy
Think it will have the opposite effect on me?

lol you can get high off straight thc it has to turn into thc1 with some sort of heating so then you get high i.e. a lighter or stove with butter

It does, temporarily. What it does to me is, it puts all emotions, anxiety and interest in a box and closes it off. It's not a long term solution for anxiety, it'll make you feel worse once you stop. I stopped about 4 days ago because I realized that I didn't care about anything anymore and that I was hiding from myself. I don't see marijuana as a good way to self medicate against emotional things, it just pushes them away temporarily and makes you feel worse once you realize. Also it can increase anxiety as well for some people.


Just make a peice of toast and a glass of water, put the shrooms on the toast and eat it and drink the water. Put on a movie you like and invite over a close friend and just relax and have a good time. Nothing scary or bad is gonna happen.

great sources, real believable faggot.

>hurr durr pot heals everything

try cbd its legal and also can be picked up from most clinics

Ever heard of phenibut? It's legal in Britain and acts as an anti-anxiety drug as well as a general mood uplifter/sleep aid. I occasionally take it in the morning with some caffeine and it lasts all day, makes you just feel good and more talkative without any stimulant effects. Just don't take too much many days in a row cos tolerance builds quickly. Do some research into it user, I wholeheartedly recommend!

So preheat just only make the effect stronger?

If you want to fix it you have to face it head on. Weed, pills, or whatever are just going to make you feel better but won't solve the root of your problem. The best thing you can do is to avoid smoking weed and start exercising instead. The confidence boost you get from working out really does help. Another thing you can try is spending time with people even if it causes your anxiety. What finally fixed it for me was seeing a doctor, getting on some medicine, working out every day for 20 minutes, and after the medicine started working I started spending time with friends and I laugh at how anxious I used to feel over nothing. But everyones different. good luck user

Benzos are extremely addictive, and the withdrawals can literally kill you. You'll become a slave to the drug, and you won't be able to function without it. Your 'baseline' anxiety (anxiety when sober) will become much greater, and you'll never quit the benzos.

It's unfortunate because the best feeling in the world is the freedom from anxiety than benzos give you... The cost is just too high.

Actually, it can. For instance last night my gf was working late and I came home to a dirty house, sat down and played games almost instantly. Smoked about half a bowl, went to get some water and decided to clean up the kitchen, change the trash and cat box.

Protip: get high and listen to this song while you clean.

best advice

It does nothing with your anxiety. It will remove all the dogmas you hold to be true. You will end up sitting gazing at a world to big for words to describe. You will end up shaking when going to the shops. Myths will be real and the goddesses of old will show uip and stair in your eyes in your dreams. Your reality is nothing but a thread of view. Around you are people experiencing different views of existence. You will crave to get out of this weird world that the archons keep you in.

this watched a friend suffer terribly going on and off benzos before dying in what was most likely a suicide.

with you on that. 8 years of blazing and sometiems im scared to walk my dog


that actually depends on sativa or indica strains. different strains do different things

>muh weed
>muh agenda
So far no one can give the correct answer because there is no answer at this moment.

please see video related for an accurate portrayal of this effect, taken from the film 'Withnail and I'

I'm sorry but why the fuck would you be scared to walk your dog first of all, and second of all why blame your ridiculously irrational fear on marijuana? You've also been breathing oxygen for your whole life, maybe that's what made you paranoid.

I think this sums it up pretty well

If you want a cannabis prescription, don't go to your typical doctor, find a place that specializes. Just google online for doctors who do cannabis evaluations.

You walk in, fill out some paperwork/medical history, tell a doctor what symptoms you have (I did it over Skype, the doc was in a different city), pay $50-100 and walk out with papers.

yeah, but i cant stop dudes. i used to smoke on my off days only since im a looser all alone with my pc, but nowadays all i want to do is smoke, before work, after work, during, etc.. im the tipical guy that gets super hooked on weed when its really not even possible

>Can marijuana help me with my anxiety issues?

According to potheads Marijuana helps with everything. AIDS, cancer and global warming

best looking thing I could find on google douchebag

I knew a dude that literally fiended for it like it was crack or something, I'm sure you're not that bad dude you just like it. If you smoke cigarettes, quitting will help this because you'll no longer be able to use them to cover up the weed smell.

Weed addiction is real dude. I've never had any problems quitting, but it sucks quitting something that makes your life feel less shitty

And became a nigger.
These are the facts, if you smoke weed you slowly become a nigger.

So those guys just write cannabis prescriptions to anyone?

Haha i get it, i was kind of in a rough place at the time and unsure about the relationship at one point which is why it started heading south. Learned that the key is to never do deugs during a bad time

smoke less and sleep more, it's not impossible and we both know it. i smoke 2 grams a day but after a while that shit just wears u down.

if you don't replace weed with something else, or have some experience which completely changes your view on it, you'll start smoking again soon.

What if I am a japanese?


Americans really are the gayest people on earth.

Depends on how bad it is. Almost all drugs have to do with your mind set so if you are normally paranoid, drugs will make it worse.