Am I the only one that prefers Indica instead of Sativa? What about you Sup Forums? Which one do you guys like more?

Am I the only one that prefers Indica instead of Sativa? What about you Sup Forums? Which one do you guys like more?

>BTW weed thread

ehh, they are mostly the same but I tend to smoke sativa when I want to feel more challenged by the world and indica when I want it to leave me alone

I like Indica A WHOLE LOT because it makes me feel so relaxed! IT'S AMAZING!

can't remember which is which. i like the one that makes you sit around doing fuck all

I'd be willing to bet 7/10 people prefer indica. 2/10 dont know the difference and 1/10 has never had a good indica.

i dont get the option really, i usually only get indica. when i get a sativa i find my self wanting indica

i prefer sativa usualy, because i use the anxiety/ do shit feeling to fuel me through my day and keep me goin

Indica, that's the one bro! Welcome to my club ;)

All of my friends say they like Sativa more because Indica makes them sleepy, but shit... I LIKE TO BE RELAXED AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP!

0/10 troll

It all depends what I'm going to be doing that day. The store? Sativa. Movie? Indica. School? Sativa. Listening to music all day? DEF an Indica.

No one of any value gives a shit. Weed is to get high once in awhile (maybe every couple months) with friends. If you use it more than that, you are as bad as any other piece of shit drug addict including alcoholics. Here's a simple test to determine if you're a piece of shit or not, if you've ever gotten stoned by yourself, you're a piece of shit.

Yeah Sativa is better when you need to be active, but since I usually smoke after my day is over, I prefer Indica!

You type like a fucking fag

Sativa in the day, indica in the night Sup Forumsro. only way to go

If you're saying that it's because you don't really like weed, you're just a social smoker and do it because everyone is doing it!

Ever swim while high? You feel like you're floating on air! One time I swam while high and I was laying on top of this floating ball in the pool, and I had to try to balance on it to not fall off. And every time I almost fell I would laugh my ass off.

i like the green one

>getting stoned by yourself = getting drunk by yourself
>smoking a bowl at home = having a beer at home
Not everyone that smokes gets stoned, just like not everyone that drinks gets drunk.

And lets face it anyway, haven't the best of us gotten drunk by themselves before?

Alcohol and pills, because I'm not a teenager anymore

You know there's purple and even orange don't you?

Both at the same time is the way to go
mix that shit man

Fuck off Max Payne

indica if i want to get really high
sativa is for the wake n bake

Kinda weird but I prefer sativa actually, I like that usually it gets me really headspacey and thinking a lot, the energy and shit is my favorite

You shouldn't mix alcohol and pills, you should NEVER mix two different drugs together, don't you know anything? That's why most drugs are illegal, because most fags like you do stupid shit, die and then everyone pays for your mistakes!

Enjoy having a colostomy bag dipshit.

enjoy lung cancer dipshit

the whole world loves booze and loves pills

I'm actually sad for you. I'm even more sad for your liver

Indica or indica dominant for me.

I need my night time meds if I want to get any sort of sleep.

you'll be sorry for yourself in a few years in hindsight trust me

i'd rather die of cancer than have to shit in a bag

I don't care either way. But I had some sativa last night that made a boring bike ride the most pleasurable experience of the day.

Yeah it's cool, but don't mix them, it can have serious consequences. I know mixing xanax and boze or xanax and oxicodone is fun, but it's not worth the risk

I think he just meant he does adult drugs

If you have colon cancer you need to shit in a bag too

I do other drugs too, I just feel like talking about weed bro, and saying drugs has age limit it's the same as saying you can't watch cartoons as an adult


probably but I don't smoke cigarettes, drink, or use pills or hard drugs of any sort. I'm not getting bent over by a company who wants me addicted to their bullshit. I certainly don't need some self righteous alcoholic pill popper telling me how I should feel about anything. Go numb the pain of daddy never hugging you and beat your girlfriend into leaving you like the last one did.

It's more like saying you shouldn't wear diapers as an adult

this is b8 right?

You mean degeneracy thread??

nope, it's for people who didn't grow out of something or are just retarded. Everyone else is staring at you like wtf but other diaper bros talk to each other about who has the best diapers all day and name their diaper boxes. Being a stoner is fine, it's just annoying as fuck when people basically use it to fill the void where their personality is supposed to be.

A lot of adult enjoy smoking pot, I actually like pills too, but saying pot is not for adults is ridiculous. Only people over 18 should smoke pot. I'm not an example for anyone since I just turned 18 in April and started smoking pot when I was 15. Actually I do other drugs that I shouldn't but since I don't do them everyday I don't consider myself an addict. Last time I smoked pot was 2 weeks ago. It's actually very good doing tolerance breaks, the high gets much better

is indica the shit that makes you super anxious, and paralyzes you?

It doesn't paralyze anyone nor does it makes you anxious!

India dominant and sativa dominant are tied strawberry kush and g13× haze are my favorites

btw if you're smoking it, you're headed for lung cancer.

edibles are the only way to go.

also - i'm for keeping marijuana illegal. in states that have legalized it, crime involved in the black market of marijuana has skyrocketed.

legalizing it had the exact opposite results.

then what strain has paralyzed me and made me anxious when I've smoked it? hmmmmm?

I used to smoke all the time now even the slightest puff of any weed gives me insane panic attacks. I can do psychedelics just fine and what not but for some reason weed just doesn't do it for me anymore.

If we knew what causes cancer there would be a cute for out. Go peddle your snacks elsewhere.

Indica when I just want to chill out on the couch and watch tv or listen to music. Sativa if I actually need to function around other people who are not also stoned.
>you cant tell that I am high on a functional sativa. Stevie Wonder could take one look at me without me even saying a word and know that I am fucking baked on a strong indica

If you vape you don't get lung cancer since your're not ingesting carbon monoxide. That news report is form 2014, read the latest news on weed man! In Portugal it's not legal but ALL DRUGS were decriminalized for personal use quantities and after 10 years it had a very positive effect!


there HAS to be a strain that doesn't give us panic attacks. I get insufferable panic attacks, too.

Are the strains.... too potent?

You obviously dont smoke enough because those numbers add up. Step up your game and hit me with some stoner math.

I prefer Indica because Sativa is a fucking scam that does actually nothing to you.

I can't believe there are people who actually buy in to this Sativa shit.

"Oh well I like the clean feeling you know? I like having a clear head." That's called being sober dipshit, stop wasting your money.

TFW there's no documented cases of people getting cancer directly from smoking marijuana and the negative health effects go away after a couple days of stopping.


lies. doctors are coming out in droves, condemning vaping. there is a correlation between vaporizing and lung cancer.

Man different people react differently to drugs! Most people amphetamines makes them super violent, for me it makes me really happy! It's the same with meds! If that strain makes you like that don't smoke it

Yeah, that study found out it is harmful to adolescents but no long term detrimental effects if you are over 18.

Breathing studies show no deleterious effects to lung capacities or ability to get oxygen in the bloodstream in long term users.

That headline is just misleading clickbait.

because it wasn't allowed to be studied for years, however tar in lungs = bad

there's no documented case of people getting cancer directly from smoking cigarettes either

edibles are great from a trusted source. I ate a rice krispy treat edible that had my ass high for 19 hours. That would have been fine if I knew the time frame upfront. I like to have an idea of how long im going to be fucked up when i take something.
>like for real 19 hours. I dont think I came down until I shit that rice krispy treat out of me

You sir are a complete idiot. Those vapes they're talking about it's the vape pens where you put the liquid, FULL OF CHEMICALS! Weed vapes are a completely different kind of vapes. You put dry weed on them and it heats it up until it evaporates the THC and CBD!

You're also wrong.

The "doctors coming out in droves" are talking about e-cigs for nicotine.

Literally no one gives a fuck about marijuana vaporizer pens

I was talking about those e-cigs, we call it vape pens here in my country

I'm cereal

If there were a system to standardize it like alcohol it'd be different.

I like to do these things while high:

I prefer sativas and sativa-dominant hybrids. And I had a really good indicas. But indicas are like wine, you just take one hit from a vaporizer and are set for the evening in a good mood and good sleep. It doesn't click well for my activities. People around me actually prefer indicas and so my experience would say that 10% never had a good sativa. Street sativas also tend to give people anxiety attacks, because people can't grow them properly, use cheap fertilizers in place of ammended soils, and photoperiods that are fit for indicas. Northern lights will grow even on your two weeks old dirty socks and on a glue and still produces a nice mold-resistant flowers, so why pick a sensitive haze cross?

>there HAS to be a strain that doesn't give us panic attacks

There are many cannabinoids in pot. THC is the one that can cause paranoia and panic attacks. CBDs are the ones that affect the body (giving the stoney, couch lock feel). If the CBD levels are higher, that usually counter acts the paranoia feelings.

Sativas are usually high THC and very low other CBDs meaning a good chance for paranoia.

Indicas can have high THC levels but also have higher levels of the other CBDs. Therefore, Indicas are less likely to cause paranoia.

In general anything you heat up to inhale is a bad idea. When it cools it condenses which isn't good

Yeah Indica makes me feel like shit.

regardless, they're talking about nicotine e-cigs not marijuana.

Here in Oakland we have multiple companies that produce the concentrates with no additives or solvents. Save for flavorings you'll find in any other product we all use every day.

This is Sup Forums, land of fags. Welcome. I love all sensi flushed n cured properly.

I think you never had good sativa.

I doubt it. Plus the Daily mail is not a reliable website.

Literally any form of weed gives me panic attacks. Drugs affect everyone differently

Weed is not harmful to adolescents. It has been proven that there are minimal mental effects. Heavy smokers have their IQ drop very slightly but casual smokers have increased iqs. It has also been thought to create a lack of grey matter in the brain but those who lack the white matter have either already had more connections to the centers that the lack of grey matter effects or have grown the connections to make up for the lack of grey matter. It isn't confirmed that cannabis causes it or if people with the lack of grey matter are more likely to enjoy smoking. Additionally, the reason many studies claim that weed can cause cancer at a high rate is due to people's lack of using a filtration system when they smoke which is actually becoming more common place recently with vaporizers and other solutions. Also, the negative respiratory effects of marijuana have been often observed to be mainly temporary and non critcal. Another fun fact is that in my years of research, I have still yet to find someone who has gotten cancer from smoking marijuana. It has always been a combination of cigarettes and weed, but none with weed only. I'd say lung cancer from weed is a nearly Non existent issue.

I am stating the nominal case.

Everyone's mileage may differ.

The key is to start running and stop jacking off so much. You can jerk but don't cum. Go few days without cumming and it then smoke. It's way different.

t. ignorant pot junkie

Alcohol increases risk of getting in an accident by 13x. Weed increases it by around 1.8x. Not double.

whaaaat. if feeling comfy is the quintessential "high", then sure. Sativas are considered to be too finicky for alot of people with anxiety, do you really think that anyone would make that distinction for a placebo? Confirmed for never having some good diesel or blue dream


Indica Master Race. Sativa keeps me awake, no likey.

It's irrelavant because both are illegal to do.

yes actually it can be very harmful to adolescents

Hey does anyone have one of those inter-drug reaction charts? It's not a general drugs thread but I though I should ask.

Also, in a study, they found that the REAL gateway drug was alcohol not weed!


You are also an idiot. E liquids are comprised of around 3 ingredients. Propylene glycol which is a main ingredient in inhalers and vegetable glycerin which is in most food items in your home. The third ingredient is nicotine which is varying in effects. I excluded flavoring because again it is varying in effect.

Nothing was said about alcohol. Getting high and driving is immoral as it increases the chances of not just YOU getting in a wreck but getting someone else killed as well

Weed is just too damn expensive for me

Sativa-gaming, art, bro time, trip time, outings
Indica-tv, chill, music, get togethers

Both have amazing effects which flourish in certain situations.

Tru dat

Your friend, google is. Yes, hmmm.


Same. I can smoke a little hash though. A couple of hits (or sometimes just 1!) of weed however brings me down almost instant(aneous)ly giving me sad thoughts like "what are you doing with your life?".