I have a question Sup Forums

I have a question Sup Forums

If someone posted a picture of their own blood online and I printed it out in colored ink and swallow the paper that has the picture of the blood on it do I now have their dna inside me?


cmon Sup Forums i need an answer i thought you guys were smart.

look tits delivered

so what is it Sup Forums yes or no?

The answer is no, you do not have their DNA inside you.

But thx 4 tits

You obviously do

thanks user

Its paper you dumbass, dna isnt in color.

punch yourself in the face really fuckin hard



It's kind of like if you faxed the picture to me of the blood and I swallowed the paper I would have the dna inside me

.....are you retarded or a troll?

Buy high quality ink so it doesn't just completely dissolve in your mouth. If the ink makes it to your stomach you're golden



It would only work if you used a 3D printer
source: I am science

Yes you fucking retard. Everyone knows that.


Careful though you may get AIDS

you are the only one that has given me an straight answer. so ordinary ink wouldn't work it has to be 3d?

so if you print out a picture of a hamburger did user just eat a hamburger?

You are correct. Also, you need to search your printer for the letter D on the outside of it. You need to make sure there are exactly 3 of them on the outside for this to work, you should add Ds or cross them out to compensate
Make sure you use authentic 3D ink, none of that brand x junk

While you're at it, toss a shit ton of water into hot oil with your face as close as possible

I like this thread

all of these kids are normie scum that need to get the fuck off of my Sup Forums!


Just kys so we have one less shitposting autismo here

Nope you would have paper inside you

If you really want Vince McMahon's DNA inside you, just become Shawn Michaels or Pat Patterson.

When the dna is printed onto a piece of paper, the 3 dimensional dna is compressed into only 2 dimensions and therefore, although in theory, all of the 3 dimensional information of the dna is contained within the printed surface, it cannot be considered to an a exact replica of the dna in it's current form and depending on your body's dna decompression methods, some data loss is to be expected. Kind of like a compressed file on a computer. The file can later be uncompressed, but all of the origonal data may not be fully retrieved.
TLDR: Try using a 3d printer
Hope this helps, OP

This could have been an entertaining shit-thread but fags had to take it seriously...

God speed, OP.

Excellent run down