Why are niggerz so wild?

Why are niggerz so wild?

Low IQ coupled with the fact that they're entitled fuckwits who hardly ever have to own up to their actions because they exist in a society that kisses their asses and blames everyone else for their mistakes.

For instance, that woman in your pic.. it's my fault she's a degenerate, obese, idiotic, trashy, useless fucking whore.

Because I'm a white male.

You can take tha nigger out tha jungle..

I can hear that post groaning.

I can't tell if you guys just like saying nigger to black people you don't like or if you really do hate all black people

We hate all blacks, Arabs and Jews. Fuck all those niggers

Nigs gonna nog

Fuck niggers

But some of them are cool

Fucking newfag


Because crack!

What other race acts disrespectful and ignorant to other people then when someone calls them out on it goes "YOUR RACISSST!" ?

All races act that way. Some do it more than others, but the point is there is always some people in those groups that don't act that way and it's not fair to lump them in with the rest of the idiots in their group. It's like your at school and the kid next to you throws a paper ball at the teacher. the teacher says fuck it, you both get detention because you look the same. That's not fair

I should've worded it different, because yes there is a good amount of good black people out there, but the percentage that do act like niggers stick out so much and get the most attention.

>some angry, sweaty neckbeard hiding behind a youtube account with a meme profile pic

lol, gotta love the internet warriors coming out of the woodwork tonight! stay mad, Sup Forums.

Some animals just can't be tamed.

But that's my point. Just because most of them act a certain way doesn't mean it's fair to just call every single black person a nigger. Some black people are cool as fuck like Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix and I would never call them niggers.

And that's why you can't even fit into Sup Forums not to mention society, kill yourself faggot

fuck, it really is [current year]

where did it go wrong?

sure attack the strawman to avoid the fact that im right

Lmfao white people are so delusional and disconnected. Like 100% of the time. They just never get it. It's so embarrassing.

One bad egg ruins it for the whole carton

How are you right? Blacks have the highest crime rate, highest incarnation rate, highest rape rate and refuse to diversify cultures. They complain about being slaves hundreds of years ago but the Irish, poles and Asians were also used as slaves. They have constant black movements such as black lives matter, this is further giving into segragation as their only campaigning for black lives, cops shoot any race that they feel a threat, instead of campaign for a single race they should campaign for less trigger happy policys for cops. Let's not forget too, they demanded for black history month, where is the White and Jewish history month? There isn't any because it's American history. Blacks claim for special rights all the time and if they don't get it, they pull the race card.

The ones that act normal or white are in the minority.

To play devil's advocate, have you never seen a disgusting white trash person?

I have and they're scum. Maybe I'm just racist but I feel like with white people, the trash are the minority and with blacks it's the opposite.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem associating with any race that acts like a genuine human being. I just rarely see it with blacks. Live in south FL

Nah I get that.

In Aus we don't have an African population resembling yours.

The blacks we have are probably closer to your native Americans.

But yeah... I've known some awesome black people. But the majority you see out in public is just shameful.

Read what I said. Just because MOST of them act that way doesn't make it fair to call every single black person a nigger. It's just dumb

ThereĀ“s a special one who makes people go crazy and naked around the streets, consumed especially by blacks in some New York areas.

Can i bum a ciggy white boy?

Where i live in vic i never see abos and the ones i do are homeless and always askin for a ciggy or taking butts from the ground and smoking them. But we have a fuck tone of white ice heads

You're retarded. You're argument is that you shouldn't avoid snakes even though most are venomous.
Yes lemme just risk my life on the off chance this nig nog isnt an animalistic retard

I never said anything like that. If you're in a bad neighborhood full of niggers, then you should damn well be scared and cautious. All I'm saying is we shouldn't generalize an entire group of people, that's all.

and btw not ALL snakes are venemous. so that just kinda goes along with what i was saying. Not ALL black people are nig nogs

dude, i want to fucking strangle you. this shit is so annoying. what the fuck are we even arguing about? im drunk, im watching parks and rec, and monitoring ops jackassery. get the fuck off my case