Can we at least agree there is a certain amount of discrimination in the American society...

can we at least agree there is a certain amount of discrimination in the American society, a small amount of institutionalized racism in the American goverment and big corporations, and an under representation of blacks in TV/movies

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nigger please


I seems in today's society black people can do nothing wrong, and completely ignore the fact that people should take responsibility for there actions, culture, and community. And the fact the media portrays the black community as I group of victims that do no wrong whatsoever is insituational racist.

You said it spot on user


People here are too edgy to agree with a reasonable opinion, nice try though.

>institutionalized racism
What big words. Can you explain what they actually mean, you obvious troll?

there are still some good people on here. just have faith

>asking this
>on Sup Forums
you're dumb


full retard expecting any kind of reasonable convo on this on the internet. op just wants to see how many times the word nigger gets posted


the fear of hiring someone black because of the fear of punishment from your higher ups

there is, but its definitely better a couple of decades ago
i feel like every time a big event including a couple of bad individuals and when they turned out to be linked to something controversial then that instantly changes the appearance of certain things if that makes any sense

niggers deserve the same rights, the same jobs, the same health care, the same protection and the same access to the world as gorillas. rip harambe

As long as there is a concept of race in America, there will always be racism.

Black History Month is inherently racist because, in truth, their history is American history, and segregating their history to a month, even in celebratory attitude, is inherently racist for it sanctions a history of an entire people based upon their race.

Social Justice, Political Correctness, is all an example of true institutionalized racism because denying one race's ability to speak (White Privilege) or victimizing another race and raising their obliged exultance in society (Black Lives Matter) is in and of itself racist for it divides races and pits them against one another.

The real problem isn't institutionalized racism in the authorities, but rather their ease to resort to violence in times of tensity.

Trying to fight "under representation" or "institutionalized racism" through things like affirmative action and socially obligating artists to use black characters in film further instates the very racism it seeks to nullify.

Affirmative Action is racist for it bases applicants' legitimacy over race in primacy, and other factors in such cases take a back seat.

Socially obligating artists to use black actors for characters in film is racist in the same way that socially obligating an artist to use a white actor for a character in a film would be.

You need only look to Ghostbusters 2016 to exemplify my just prior made point.

nigger there's no racism here now get back to the farm before i lynch you


didn't read


Fucking hollywood jews can't stop sucking nigger dick for 5 seconds

Watch the hateful eight for example, tarantino movie

This is all an American issue. And I don't give a fuck about America or any retard that lives there. America can get fucked nuked right now and I wouldnt give a shit. But you crybabies wanna whine about oppression or racism when there are far worse countries in the world. America has no fucking clue how good they have it. That's why I can't take black lives matter seriously. Go live in North Korea or Afghanistan for a few months and then come back and whine about how bad you have it, you little bitch.

But remember, kids. Every black person is a sweet little innocent victim. None of them are responsible for their actions. And the second you call them out on it, that's when you're a racist.


'under representation'

Opposite. In facT the reason foreigners who consume western media are scared of blacks is because they're portrayed as dangerous ignoramuses all the time and your music is the same.

Fuck you and your racist ass sjw leftist response 'that's just simple minded and racist' we pump out massively subconsciously racist shit and bombard their children with images about how 50 cent, harambe, and Samuel Jackson are proper ways to act and think.

Fuck you. And all the nigger haters on Sup Forums

trips o truth

Of course there is, but it's clearly warranted. I mean seriously, just look at how they conduct themselves as a whole.

Affirmative action is real

Blacks account for the majority of violent crime in the US.


I don't really care about that stuff to be honest.. I just hate the police and love the fact black people got the balls to stand up to them. Most black people are cool and get treated just fine imo tho...


This country needs more violence so you all don't grow into a bunch of faggets. It's probably too late for that anyways.

Just search for blm campus

"NIGGERS: are 12 % of the population, yet all you see in the media is Niggers, Niggers, and More Niggers. I wish they could swim so they could take themselves back to Africa

these are not people. BLM are a terrorist org. simple as that.

Racism in America is a fundamental issue of its culture, and equality efforts to nullify it in the modern day have only expanded it, and contradict themselves in doing so.

source on your claim i mean. it seems like you're ignoring all the times in the media that black people aren't depicted as being able to do no wrong

stopped reading at Niggers

Stop giving them attention then ffs. People will stop giving a fuck sooner or later.

None that I would give two fucks about. I don't care for niggers. If it was up to me, I would mass murder niggers around the country.

Not only they are fucking ugly but they are lazy as fuck, reproduce like rats, and the government has to take care of them. Plagues, that's what they are.


It's a stupid slogan but hardly a terrorist group. I think retards like you are the terrorist group.

if you look at all media produced since the beginning of media, you'll probably notice a disproportionately large amount of white people

can you agree theres a small amount of glorification of crime and violence in black music and entertainment?

No, the reason black men are shot more often than others is because statistically they commit more violent crime and kill police officers more often.
Sucks for the non-niggers but we should take it up with the criminals, not the cops.

>black people violent towards 1.4% of the white population
>white people violent towards 1.6% of the black population
>it's a black issue

because white men are the biggest consumers of it

I think it's a stupidity issue. Bunch of lazy retards taking over my country.


This. I've been keeping tabs and most often, every single consecutive commercial in any given commercial break during a show Im watching features black people. It's far beyond 12% of the commercials. Probably over 50%. It's the new "hip, progressive" thing for companies to do now.

Recently, a pizza chain donated money to a school that was mostly black. As such they got to hang a banner in the school advertising their pizza and featured a "welcome back to school" message, along with a stock picture of a white female student. The blacks started with their usual crying about racism shit, that the banner wasnt representative of their student population. So it ended up being taken down.

Well, seeing blacks in more than half of every commercial I see isn't representative of my country's population. So why is that ok?


Why the fuck are you watching TV still? Are you poor?

why does proportionate representation matter now when you weren't campaigning for more non-whites in media 10 years ago? because you were 6?


yeah but you forget that nobody on Sup Forums is reasonable. they just like to say nigger.

fuck off the real racists are the blacks anyways, all the blacks ever do is blame us for something we did over 200 years ago it's over you got your equal rights and shit. and also there is a lot of black people in movies like Jamie foxx, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L Jackson, Denzel Washington, and Laurence Fishburne. Directors cast who they want to cast not so they can fill the diversity gap don't ruin movies and tv for everyone else because you feel your not represented enough.

I thought the JEWS controlled the media how can you trust such statistics?



my point exactly

Must be a Nigger.........SWIM BITCH

and get gold at the olympics

>a small amount of institutionalized racism in the American goverment and big corporations,

It's white people's fault that there is a disproportionately small number of blacks who want to/are smart enough to go into politics or creative and hard working enough to climb to a corporate position?

> and an under representation of blacks in TV/movies

The USA is 12% black. That means if it is equal, only 12% of the people you see (playing americans at least) should be black. 12% of the major roles, 12% of the characters.
I would say that blacks are actually have more representation in media for their population.


hey remember that time a black person reminded you of when your ancestors enslaved their people?

exactly.. racism is stupid on both sides

If you're black and doing dumb shit get your life straight fgt

If you're white give them a chance and mind your business fgt

think for yourself

There's a difference between data collected from government agencies and the latest shitty movie/album/cable news diatribe.
The reason white males are the most common offenders is twofold btw. Whites outnumber blacks by a wide margin, blacks commit more rapes per capita however. As for the male bit, women are actually awesome and almost never rape or murder anyone.

ad hominem is the sign of a weak mind. Those who cant offer any kind of argument to a point can only insult. Good job.

there's an even bigger under representation of a lot of asian races yet you don't see them complaining about it do you?

i think you need to do some extra research on what an ad hominem is

so tell me why proportionate representation matters to you now but you were silent when non-whites were underrepresented? does that insult you?


they do complain about it, just that white Sup Forums doesn't pay attention to it so you don't see it reposted. their issue is with blacks


>Under representation if blacks
Are you fucking stupid? Blacks make up 17% of society and even more so, they tend to live more concentrated

The average person in a non black town will see them about 3-5% irl but they make up almost 30% of all tv and movie.

And if there's any racism against blacks, it's coming from the left who treats black like children, unable to follow laws or act like reasonable people, dems treat them like blacks couldn't ever get a job on their own, make good choices on their own, go to college with their own money, or even pay their own bills.

If someone spent all day telling me I was a child unable to function like a basic human, I'd hate them more than the person telling me I should try and prevent my community from committing crimes.

I know this is bait, but as a black Republican I just get pissed seeing stupid shit like this.

Media forces it's penis into idiots anuses to make sure they think what the government wants, more news at 11


Dubs is slam


how about no!

black people hollering racism and discrimination where they have every opportunity to be successful as any one else, we have a black president, two a black attorney generals, various other blacks in the congress & senate, black movie stars & black musicians that make millions, Oprah Winfrey and many other black celebrities lots of black people have made a great success of their lives because they worked for it just like anyone else has to

if you decided to be a gangsta ghetto trash badboy when you should have stayed in school then that is not societies fault, you are just a fuckup loser and now that you had your party you get to pay for it, not the rest of societies problem if you are a dumbass loser

I use to be the CEO of Microsoft and no we don't hire niggers. Sorry OP.

she's apologized why haven't you?

I don't have a problem with black movies. I DO, however, have a problem with them making whites look like bumbling idiots. THOSE niggers can kiss my ass.
Samuel L Jackson & Morgan Freeman are in my favorite actor pool.

There are blacks at all levels of entertainment and society.When looking for the devil, one should look in the mirror.

my god it's all so true.

So what you are saying is the continued response after the civil rights movement created a culture of coddling blacks to the point where they stopped needing to step up and started to believe that they simply couldn't?

Shit, that makes a lot of sense. That's why blacks in the period before the ending of institutional racism were far more productive, intelligent, and classier.

But like anyone who has been coddled for so long, what do we do to help black people in america realize they need to take initiative? If we cut them loose, won't things get worse?

If we want to proportionatley represent them, they would only be in 12% of movies :/

ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

Nope, I was spot on. All you did was try to call me a 16 year old. Your damage control is failing, also.

>when non-whites were underrepresented
What are you talking about, black & white films from the 50s? I wasnt alive yet. When exactly do you think non-whites were underrepresented? The 80s? The 90s? Pretty sure you'd blacks in at least 12% of the media then. My point is now it's 50% or higher.

Its all of the other races being racist against whites. For some reason, it's okay for any race to call us crackers and other slang like it, but when we use Nigger, a word made by the whites that was stolen by the blacks. Which is understandable because all they do is steal.

>inb4 you're being racist right now

I dont care.


>coddling leads to violent gangs

logic checks out



Think about it.
If you give your kid everything and let them do whatever they want, they are going to turn into spoiled troublemakers.

Remember this time when a white person is reminding you that when white people first went to Africa they found black people enslaving and selling other black people.

Become better actors then faggot

>about 7% of whites engage in beastiality
>about 7% of whites also engage in interracial

I wonder why that could be.

>using a porn star
Tila tiquila thinks she's a supernatural being and you can bend reality like the matrix. I better trust every thing says too I guess

I feel like everyone is way too sensitive about race.

My faith has saved me, and I am delighted to see all of the good people see BLM as the nigger bullshit that it is.

Yes. Kids who end up with 0 discipline often become criminals no matter the race.

You will find most serial killers had an "abusive" or absent father and a coddling mother.