freklz thread
Freklz thread
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yay thread
you're so kind
What the hell is a freklz thread?
not a fur thread, that's what
>I will fuck you like a pig
Your response?
can we just appreciate for a second the tenderness of bowser holding kirbys hand
god what a great movie
or arm stub
Time to gas furfags
no skin off my ass then
that movie caused me actual sympathetic physical pain, as a drummer
No rekt? Rekt
I don't even know what movie is what
any cute boys in australia
my room mates are talking about fucking virgin girls verrry loudly
so uncomfortable
demos you have to turn all of your roommates gay
It's bad?
thats too big of a task for one demos
it's very good
I can imagine. It's still engaging.
there are a bunch of cuteboys in melbourne that post on similar threads but they're always too busy to bang. it sucks.
how about just one
it was so good
it depicts the stress that performers/competitors at the very highest level (in anything) go through perfectly
they don't clean up after themselves well enough to be deserving of a transition
i'd have better luck with a bisexual boy
shame you don't know any of THOSE
bisexuals scare me tho
being bisexual is the best
Bisexuals are cheats
What's it about?
They just aren't interested.
i knew one guy who was bisexual that i reaaaaaaaaally liked in high school, but he was super duper mormon and went on a mission instead of going to college and i was like lmao bye then
i'm too afraid of commitment problems to dare at a bisexual
idk why you wouldn't be scared of faggots leaving you too
Bisexuals are nice because you get the best of both worlds.
a talented competitive jazz drummer and his demanding teacher
"Could you imagine wanting to fuck everyone you meet?!" - carlin
And the worst
that sounds stupid.
The movie made me feel lazy watching it. Just sitting there stuffing my face full of popcorn while they work their asses off.
idk most people i meet are pretty ugly, even if i am bi.
i'm just scared of people leaving in general because i have very few friends
friends are for posers
Whip out your dick demos.
my dick is currently out of the building he will be back tomorrow would you like to leave a message
it's very intense
I think it made me practice drumming intensely for several hours a day, for about a week
dick pic thread?
but then americans will post their weird cut dicks
for harambe
bisexuals are nice because they're not super duper faggoty though
ITT: Demos posts his dick.
flamboyant gay people are the worst
>that sounds stupid.
Get the fuck out of my sight before I demolish you.
Jesus fucking christ, this
I was asking to make sure. I don't want to see penis.
You're breaking the immersion
Come at me
>[redacted] WAS GONNA GO TRANS
Jazz sucks.
what is that image in reference to
being this much of a fucking uncultured plebeian
League is just retarded and listens to gossip or whatever.
jazz is a fantastic genre you fuck
People were confused yesterday or whatever other day about who was who
freklz and katia are the same person.
did you even read the text? according to League you told him my bf was trans and planning on transitioning
and I am rustled, explain yourself immediately
Thank you to whoever is posting the femboys.
i was annoying chet with death grips songs and league decided to hop in and criticize the technicality of the music. he kept linking parts where the music broke into triplets instead of staying in 4/4 and he said that the timing was way off
i linked him another song that does this and he made the same comment
so he's a certified moron in my book
do we honestly need any more proof that snarf should be executed
Enjoy your freedom while it last furshits.
You got 5 minutes left.
Glad you are taking it well.
your porn sucks more
I want details
what? I don't know anything about your bf, and I certainly have never talked about him
I would not call my sexual handicap freedom