So I've been following this guide for about 2 weeks now (minus the estrogen supplements because I haven't had a chance...

So I've been following this guide for about 2 weeks now (minus the estrogen supplements because I haven't had a chance to buy them). So far I do feel like I'm losing wieght, however I'm wondering if I'm targeting the right stuff. Anyone else follow this guide and get good results off of it?

post pics


Of what?


Understand I've just started working out so there's not a lot of progress so far. That and this is the best I can do cuz my mirror is so small

Uhh the fuck that's not what I picked

This is the one I'm talking about

Read the fit sticky
Ask lgbt ftm or trap threads for guides
That one is kids shitty.
Case and point. You do not need to shampoo your hair, you can live just doing conditioner three times a week.

u sure do when your a qtpi hit me up

Can't see body shape

Full body without clothes?

>2 weeks
>already judging a program

I bet you isolate arms faggot

I just don't want to waste time on it if it doesnt work

Is there a visual guide like this for male aesthetics for a girl?

Body pics

Of course it doesnt work, eat healthy greens and flex your legs and butt to get a better look to it like mine, simple as that

Sjw, pls. Your whole schtick is tired and I hope you die in a fucking fire. Your tired examples of trying to bring social justice to everything where and are shit.

It also helps if you play a song because than you can flex to the beats, im not joking when i say this either im living proof

Work out with weights and eat alot of meat for extra weight

I honestly don't have the body to be showing off just yet. I am abit heavy set tho, which is why I decided to start working out