ITT: God tier natural tits.
Post the best pair you've seen.
ITT: God tier natural tits
who is she?
Still my fav
Easy win
you rang?
MissAlice is fucking goddess-like.
local girl
Love these natural beauties. Notice how they are looking in different directions, like a bird's eyes, in case of a sneak attack by a predator.
love 'em
So natural.
Miss Alice is fucking perfect.
yes they are, well spotted
weird webbed cleavage
they're so nice they're boring to me
You're a faggot.
Wait, where's the other.... What the fuck is even going on here?
If you say so
wah so soft
great tits, slut who ruined my life
Green text time
Omg I know this girl. She's from alberta! I've wanted to see those glorious tits naked forever. Got her Snapchat?
it's a short one user
>Madly in love since Junior year of HS
>We live in small conservative town
>Go to city for college
>She goes wild, starts drinking, partying, doing drugs
>Breaks up with me for being controlling when I try to get her stop hanging out with drug dealers
>she fucks my best friend 2 days after breakup
I guess her new boyfriend is 8 years older than her and a junkie though so oh well. Don't have any more pictures either which is the real shame, those tits are incredible
Haha sounds like my ex's past
Eh you had a good time, got a pic and solid memories, and got out before some insane train wreck vortex sucked yr life down the shitter.
No kids? No divorce? No prob
cunt face but those tits
I love her tits
those fucking perfect things gotta be fake. Not that i care.
trips of truth
Finally find a thread after years of lurking with a picture of a girl I know and the poster fucks off before I reply...
My ex gf
Holly crap, pleeeze sauce? Cammer?
i dunno her nipples are really small
>porn nature documentaries with Sup Forums
Post better. Ill wait
Recognized the lips
She get a boob job?
My ex gf
These are my gf's right now
Is she a fucking midget?
Those are some fucked body proportions
Very nice. Moar?
Hhhnngg...such fun she must be
that face ugh
Bad boob job. She should demand her money back.
Boring little tits
Rip those tits
Thanks user
winrar god tier titties
oh my
God shes absolutely beautiful. If I ever have to die, I want her to smother me with those tits of hers. Her face is an absolute 10/10 if not then at least a 9/10. I've never been more in love with a woman.