I'm going to kill myself tonight but before I do it I want everyone here to know something

I'm going to kill myself tonight but before I do it I want everyone here to know something.

When you actually decided to kill yourself you don't care what people have to say or proving anything to anyone. When people come on here and say oh hey meet me in this web room I'm gonna do it they're probably trolls.

I'm just gonna do it in a couple mins after I finish a couple messages to make sure my friends don't mourn the wrong way. This is a happy thing for me.

Pic related hi it's me

Just do it!!!

If dubs, sharpie in pooper

Op please don't do it.

If he wants To die let him

Bro work out a bit more you can score endless pussy. What a waste

only do it if you have a shotgun or are going to jump off a 100 story building or something..

failing is humiliating..

do you have any moniez you can give me for the pro-tip?? you won't be needing it..


fine, leave the amazing wonder of conscious life you ungrateful prick. you don't deserve it


I won't thanks I'll be extra careful I know where to aim

this thread kinda bums me out dude

yeh same :/

Please OP , if you gonna do it and if you go somewhere like heaven or some bullshit like that can you please visit me , do it please , you will know where and who i am

You're kind of a funny dude, user.
I'm glad I got to meet you.

No problemo. But I doubt I'd go to heaven. Maybe God understands my circumstances. There is no hope for me. To get out of what I did is impossible. It literally is impossible. No way.

This is why it's the best idea and I'm somewhat happy with it :).


This. Everything passes, don't let the problems in life win. Don't do it OP, just hang in there.

Since you're going to be gone soon can we know what these circumstances are?

gl man see you on the other side

Do you mind explaining what is was youve done?

Yeah tell us op



This. Let's talk this out, OP. Nothing is fucked her, dude. Nothing is fucked.

Ohh it's okay , well if you find the way to find me we can talk , im very friendly , but please dont watch me jerking that is shit, OP,can i ask what is you name?

Nothing is impossible to get out of. You're being overly dramatic dude but I agree that suicide isn't as bad as people make it, we're all going to die someday anyway right?
But you're still young and have plenty of opportunity so maybe wait a few decades before deciding to bite the bullet over bad grades or getting dumped by a bitch.

I dont usually respond to these posts for a few reasons.

One, 99% are trolls or attention seekers.

Two, 99% percent of replies are "just do it" or "dont do it op"

Three, I've been low enough to consider it, seriously, sat from dusk to dawn with my pistol, talking myself into and then out of it.

I'm an alcoholic, had a good upbringing, no reason to whine or bitch, actually pretty much had it made, but I dropped out of college, got fat, became alcoholic, and the withdrawing pain was so great, that even though I didnt want to do it to my family or friends (you wonder if they will even care or if so how long like 2 months?). I didnt do it. And I wasnt bullshitting, I had my finger on the trigger. Truth is, I didnt want to die, I just wanted the pain to go away. I waited, and I dont regret waiting, this is a decision you cant take back. Life might suck, but you give yourself no future options. Listen to me, OP and all, listen.

Eventually, if you dont do it, you will look back on this pain with fond memories, Sounds fucked up right?. Nope, you're grown now. You made it through shit, and eventually you will be at peace, alive, and look back on what you made it through. Short term: sucks. Long term: you are a stronger, more understanding human being. Dont throw it away.

Just sayin if its a troll its not a good one OP if that is you, you seem and look like a pretty chill dude. Don't do it cunt


How you gonna go it, isn't it too long?

The last thing I wanna do before I die is be an attention whore.

I deserve to die.

I was raised spoiled and tomorrow is my eviction day. I live way out in the country in the US so bicycling to work is impossible. I have no money no job no car. I haven't had friends except online ones who wouldn't let me live with them. I can't get a loan because no credit history and no co signer. My family have very severe mental issues. My mother killed herself a couple days ago and left me nothing. My dad killed himself very shortly before I was born. Living in the house my mother killed herself in waiting to be evicted tomorrow with nowhere to go or anythjng to do. Just had a will to work as hard as needed but I can't. Sucks. But the living room that I've been going to that has the canned food I've boiled down to has my mothers blood stains (when someone kills themselves by the way. In a house. You don't get anything. The blood stays. I can't stare at it enough to rip it out because I start crying. I can't move the cans out because I start crying. Ahhh. This is why it's a happy thing. This is why I have my sweet sweet release tonight. I'm done replying. I'll read it until it 404s but I'm done attention whoring. I'm not a little bitch. I grew up here so I just wanted to say bye :). Remember it's a happy thing.

Also I'm not sure if they report these things in newspapers. But I live in South Georgia and my first name starts with an S. Maybe check tomorrow or something. Cya

Do it. Humans race is fucking ruined anyways. See you in a couple years buddy

Sure will do op gl man!


I cant understand why you should kill yourself OP , i wanted it when i was like 15 but know i think that all of those thougths where bulshit, i didn't went to any doctor i just pass it trough

If this is truly what you want, I just hope you don't feel any pain and you're greeted by your family on the other side. You don't deserve to die, but you got dealt a shit hand so I can't blame you. Godspeed and rest in piece OP

Find a church and talk to a pastor or priest, even if you aren't religious or Christian. Seriously. Don't do it. You can get past this. Stay strong. Move to a cool city. Get a shitty job and a studio apartment, but just live. Good things will happen. Life is long. You just have to get through it.

Good luck with everything man. Better to have sweet release than to suffer and hate your life everyday, with no one to love you, no one to squeeze, and no haven for basic needs. How you gonna off yourself?

Plz don't shoot yourself. Don't need more gun control Bullshit

I don't want you to die son

This, if you are going to kill yourself hang.

>no money
>Move to a cool city
>studio apartment
Jesus you're asking for the world on a plate considering the guys situation.

Atleast livestream so we can talk to you and then see you die

Why did your mom an hero? Wtf is going on in South Georgia?

Just pack up your shit and go to your friends house or leave that state altogether and travel around as a vagabond. Anything goes when you don't give a shit about life anymore. The world is your oyster.

Jesus. Goodbye user. :'(


How are you gonna do it?

Good things don't just fucking happen, nothing is guaranteed in life but death and taxes. He was dealt a shit hand, time to fold and save his time.

Jesus Christ it's like everyone in this thread ignored everything op said best advice is to walk to a church op

I know you feel like killing yourself, but it's a very selfish thing to do, think about your family

stream it

OP live stream it's not attention whoring.


You cold hearted bastard

Hitchhike. Live on the streets or in a mission until getting a shit job. Save money for apartment. There is always a way.

Shit, you could rob a store to get caught on purpose. Put you in jail. Roof over your head and three hot meals a day. Get out and they give you a job and a place to stay. Take it from there. Sure, you are a felon and have a record now, but you are alive and back on your feet. Take life one day at a time.

Then listen

Fuck you.

mom is rip dad is rip probs has no bro/sis

Before you die just wanna let you know there is no god.Even if there is,he doesn't give two shits about you.


no lo haga compa

Holy fucking shit.

I've been there. Right at the bottom, where the sadness and misery turns to hope, because you know that death will bring an end to the pain.

But right before I did it, I got a text message from my sister telling me she was on her way to my place to visit, and I didn't want her to find me like that. Something changed as we talked, like she knew there was some fucked up reason I was happy all of a sudden.

It has been over ten years. I am married to a wonderful wife, and we have beautiful kids and have adopted some more. My life is really wonderful now. I wouldn't be experiencing any of this if I had ended it when I did.

Two months ago I was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. I don't want to die now.


Why not join the army. Get paid free college, new life

thats it? find a job from an outreach program shit go survival mode, life has endless potential where there is a will to live. I hade a life of going nowhere till 24 now 8 years later I'm on my way of becoming one of the top chefs in a world class city and travelled to France to cook and all that jazz, youd be surprised at the direction life takes when you pull yourself out of a rut.

? You really think good things happen eventually? I mean yeah you gotta work for them, but in this case, OP literally can't even work. He has no one to support him. Would you want to die immediately and finally find out what happens after life, or would you want to go through despair if only the possibility of things turning out mediocre?

do us at /k/ a favor and do NOT use a gun

you're contributing to liberal "gun violence" statistics by using a gun

help us out, user. don't let your death end up being anti-gun stats



Hey are you in need of money? I'm sure some Sup Forumsros can help you out if you prove you're not a troll.

See you on the other side.

what family? did you read what he said?

user please this. Please dude.

Stop with all the "don't do it op plssss!!!1!" you're not gonna change anyone's mind.
If he's decided to it he'll do it no matter what you say.
So goodbye op. If there's Sup Forums in hell tell us how's it going, because we all are going to end up there.

I've learned one thing in my occupation and that is if you fucked up too bad and you know the end result is going to be shit, just toss it.

Just do it OP, life is literally useless and this planet is so fucking minuscule that nothing even matters. Test the limits of the unknown and fuckin soar friend. If there's a place we all end up I'll see you there

uste se me caya la boca compadre que usted no pinta nada aqui


Puto !!!!

Don't do it. I'm here if you need me.

hardship builds swtrong individuals I have not rellied on family and its worked for me

ay birgensita

shoo shoo! Mexican gutter trash.

And in this case, OP chose to end it instead of growing up. Not everyone can rely on themselves.

Kyc alv pinche gringo meco suck my huevos

Don't do it bro. You'll regret it right away as you're pulling the trigger.

I would just like to say your mother would not want this. If you overcome this hardship (to say the least) youll be stronger than almost everyone you encounter and that will lead you to success. Youll look back at this and think to yourself im glad i didnt do it because im sure when you overcome this you will strive to help people contemplating suicide. Youll save many mothers and fathers just like you would have wanted someone to save yours. When its time to pass away youll look back and be happy you didnt do it tonight.

Im over here stressing about the breakup i had but i want you to know you inspired me to get over it because there are people going through much worse than stressing over a woman. Youve lifted my spirits up a little bit. I mean this in the best way. Youll lift many other peoples too.

Show your mother she raised a strong man.

yeah but then afterwards he wont have a brain to feel regret

Get to NJ I live by the city. I can put you up.

Hey OP you said you'd be around till the 404. South Georgia, the state? or country? I'm the first guy, but listen to the last guy. OK, do this, I know you dont want to die. Trust me, read my post, you dont want to die, you just want no pain. Well first, life will always include pain, more for some than others, but all life is pain, happy sometimes too, but pain also. Second, go to a hotel, google a near-by hotel. Find one owned by an indian. An India indian. Demand to speak to the owner. Say you know the Patels. Tell the owner exactly what you just said here. Get put up in a hotel room for a while, get a job scrubbing the fucking floors, and rebuild. Chances are good that you will get some help, and thats what you need. You do need help. I know, you're a man, a man shouldnt have to ask for help, but you're human. I been there man, cant honestly say I'm in as bad a situation, but turn on some tv, and google hotels in your area owned by Indians. START WORKING, AND HARD. WORK SO HARD YOU CANT FUCKING REMEMBER. Yeah I'm an internet stranger, but I speak fucking truth, and I really do care, bec. I been there. Or close at least. You need to get help and there are people who want to help. Reach out. ASK. ASK FOR HELP, ALL MEN NEED A HAND SOMETIMES.

this. i hope the gun jams or some shit user, you will regret this shit. go rob a bank and go to china or something, just dont an hero.

madre mia que este jovencito esta to loco , pero es triste saber que alguien se va , yo acostado por dormir tan tranquilo y el simplemente no va a estar mas , BUENO BASTA COMPADRE QUE ME PONGO TO LOCO

even a waste of space can make something of themselves if they try, the problem now a days is you have fools that live out their lives without ever falling to understand you learn from failures

i am also suicidal as shit very often, but ive allways wondered how many of the an heros have second thoughts when its already too late? like you hear about that all the time. any toughts on that ?

Madre mia willy

all of them do nigger



im probs gonna do it soon is it true jumping is the scariest way? (don't have guns where im from)