Hey Sup Forums whats the most painless sure fire way to kill yourself

Hey Sup Forums whats the most painless sure fire way to kill yourself

Ever heard of a gun, dumbass? As for the painless part, I don't know you'll have to ask a suicide survivor. God you're stupid

I ment like easy to do... im to pussy to shoot my self also no gun or money

if you want the most painful way, listen to shinedown.

OD on sleeping pills. If you cant get any, steal some horse tranq from your local vet.

Well if you can wrangle the cash in the pic your golden.

I kinda agree I kinda like two songs but other than that I agree

If ur too pussy to shoot yourself ur too pussy to do anything else. What's easier than squeezing a trigger?

He's too pussy to shoot himself so he defiantly won't have the balls to do this. It might be painless but if he can't pull a trigger and die instantly no way he's gonna sit there and breathe helium or whatever. The anxiety of those several seconds will be petrifying to faggot OP.

Old age

I dont want to fuck it up and live and want to kill my self more and then be too fucking retarded to be able too

I like this, if I decide to do this this will probably be it

Thats the worst way to go laying in bed shutting your self and a burden to everyone

>if I decide to do it
Stop crying for attention you dumb cunt and fix your sad life.


how can you fuck up shooting yourself point blank in the head lmao

Actually my life's not that bad im in collage got a decent scholarship close family I just don't like the burden of living

It's happened before

Listening to shinedown

U got a scholarship and u can't even spell "college" or "meant". Maybe u should kill yourself after all haha

just be aware, the largest manufacturer of helium tanks in the US said that they are going to be leaving air in their tanks, to the tune of 20 percent of the gas in the tank. This is sufficient to keep you alive, at least long enough to not suppress the fear.

Various suicide advocacy groups recommend nitrogen. Also, these suicide bags are sold by various advocacy groups

Get a shotgun. A cheap shotgun will run you less than $300 and if it's ur life's mission to commit suicide that's very easy to obtain. By the way: no one lives from a 12gague blast to the forehead.

Yea, we'll im thinking about killing my self I couldn't care less about my grammar

You can't see it but I'm actually playing a small violin for you right now.

You guys thought shinedown was bad XD

Super fucking messy. I'd feel bad for everyone