I just broke up with my girlfriend of 1.5 years, ask me anything

I just broke up with my girlfriend of 1.5 years, ask me anything

Whyd it take so long

Cause I had feelings for her and then i guess I just didn't want to hurt her

Red pill?

Still would take the red pill, all the way

why would you care? you lost your feelings for her, then why care?

jesus christ, some people.

How's the drink

I didn't lose my feelings for her, I still cared and care a lot about her. Just not in a romantic way

How does the soda taste?

The drink is okay I guess

how did you do it ? and what was her reaction like ?

not knowing your own thoughts and feelings is for children, grow the fuck up

It's beer not soda

How do u feel about it?

I took her for a drive and stopped in a empty parking lot. Then we talked it through. She took it suprisingly well and admitted that she had tought about it herself

I feel relieved and sad

Suomihomo juo kaljaa aamu yhelt

how old are you? like, 18 or something?

you have no idea how dumb you sound right now

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Did you know there is a board for this called /r9k/?

I know it's hard but try to cheer yourself up man, good times are coming.

No I did not

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