Oh shit, the cops just found you! Quick, put on your cool face!

Oh shit, the cops just found you! Quick, put on your cool face!
The fifth image in your reaction folder is your cool face.
If you have more than one reaction folder, choose one.
I'll start.


Noting to zee here Komrad








Jeez cops.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Hehe, hoho.









You'll never take me alive. And fuck you dufresne.




































Get out you filthy pigs.







>mfw swear she said she was 18








I'm on my phone so this is the closest I have


greetings men of law enforcement how do you do



Wow what kewl thread. Funny faces that you guys would have when faced by police. I enjoyed this thread a lot and laughed a lot it was very funny and very clever.



Haha. Feel free to save the images, my friend!




I wouldn't look at me funny if I were you, officer.

*unsheathes brief case* You should listen to me carefully. *adjust collar*
I do not want to hurt anyone, so please turn back.





would i get shot on the spot?






this ain't good...

hi officer





Nothing to see here