Hello Sup Forums

hello Sup Forums

lifelong fps player, global elite in CS etc etc all that gay shit

how do i into mobas, specifically dota / lol?

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bumping with asshole

You don't, you're better off not playing them.

either you suck ding-dong or were offput by the toxic community or both
and learn lane roles, creep score, what items to build in what situations, and find a champion you like to play


Dota fag here, just over 2500 hours (4 years).
Dota is a pretty high skill game, and it takes a good 15 hours to even understand half of what is going on.

My advice is to watch Purge's guides (linked) and watch some streamers on twitch before playing.

You can start with the tutorials, but the best way is playing offline against bots, or some bot matches with other players. Good Luck!

since you coming from fps, you dont will like to play some overwatch?

cus both communities are shit af

I wouldn't start. I would wait for some new game to come out. There are so many champions in League of Legends that it would take you a year just to be comfortable in knowledge of abilities.

Then you will get crushed for another year while you try to develop skill.

Then you will get crushed for another year while you develop game strategy.

Then 3 years down the line you will have all of this and be stuck in gold because the higher ranks will be composed of people playing for 8 years.

played overwatch intensely, shit's gay tho
thanks, will watch. how intense (relatively) is the skill curve, especially higher up?

If we are talking ranked, your average players are around 3000mmr, whilst professionals are anywhere from 6500 to 9000 mmr.

However, the skill curve always balances out since there is a large player base, so if you do intend to play ranked, it isn't too broken.

In terms of learning the game, it'll take some time to get a good grasp on things, the important thing isn't to rage or give up, it is quite rewarding to watch and play once you understand it all, so I suggest watch as much dota as you can and play some bot games!

I played league for a little over 5 years. do NOT get into it, the game is a fraction of what it used to be. i play dota it's better in sooooo many ways.

Pretty intense. You can play at a comfortable level after about 100 games if you actually try to get better. Try and play with people better than you that aren't complete fags and you should be good.

The ranking system is pretty accurate. The average player is around 2000 mmr, but everywhere under 2500 mmr is hell. You won't enjoy playing ranked until you get past that point, but don't let that discourage you.

If you're playing ranked, try playing heroes/positions that don't count on anyone else until you reach that point of 2500. Play the OP heroes in the meta to climb mmr, or play pubstompers (heroes that noobs don't know how to play against, or heroes that uncoordinated players don't know how to play against.). This means go solo mid, solo off, jungle (the other alternatives are better because you actually get better. You don't get better afk jungling.), or play a support that can transition well into the late game. Only go mid/offlane if you're somewhat competent, don't ruin your teammates games by feeding 10+ kills to an Templar Assassin/Anti Mage during the laning phase.

One last tip, assume that everyone is absolutely retarded and doesn't know what they are talking about, always. Until about 3k mmr, but even then, retards never disappear.

Dotas pretty good still learning the game

why do you believe league isn't what it was? as far as playerbase or "bad" meta changes / balances or what?
will do. what do you suggest for an OP hero / independent hero? i know i can google but i trust first-hand advice far more, and i really appreciate the analysis.
bot games sound like what i'm mostly gonna be doing for a long while, haha. it's hard to wrap my mind around these matches watching them sometimes

Just learn when to run or fight. You got to know when to hold me know when to fold em....

I think Paragon would be a decent one. Sort of like smite

most of what the guys say about dota is true.
if you life in south east asia, don`t play. The community is so toxic (and I don`t mean Sup Forums toxic). fucking asian retards

From my experience lol is more fast paced and doesnt require and much strategic thought to play as dota,if you are more into strategy go for dota but knowing you are an fps player you probably dont like having all your mana drained in 2 abilities so lol would be the way to go.Be aware that the community in both of them is full of fucktards ready to call you out for the slightest mistakes.

Definately true, I live in Australia and whenever we have a pinoy on our team, 9/10 times its a loss with putang ina mo bobo feed la

playerbase was always fairly bad but it got worse. worse than dota imo.

they add new shit in every update that doesn't need to be added. it's like they're trying to compete with dota for "most complicated game" by adding stuff no one wants.

they completely remake champions in the game every 2-3 years for no reason instead of buffing/nerfing or slightly changing how a skill works.

they change item and skill icons every patch for reason when the old ones aren't dated and work and you have to get used to the new shitty ones and have trouble finding what to buy.

matchmaking is retarded, it went to shit after i left but basically dynamic queue.

it looks like a fucking disney mobline game. i don't see how it's taken seriously it literally looks like a mobile game.

and probably the biggest thing is dota just has 100x more and better features in the client and in game.

I started playing league around a year ago in the middle of their season 5.5, in that year i grew in skill very fast mainly because i played alot, low diamond atm and got low plat in that first 6ish months (season 5). I did go and try dota 2 just to see what it was like recently. It is a lot more new player friendly than league, since the league tutorials suck ass ( you would have to watch several youtube videos even with help of just gameplay and try and learn why they do certain things ). I didn't like dota 2 just because i am to used to league and haven't given it to much time. I would probably recommend dota as a League player myself, unless you have a friend that is a higher elo, Plat+ in League that could teach you all the fundamentals and champions in like 2 weeks if you grinded. I had help when i started, friends taught me. Stay away from league unless you are willing to put several months into it.

i find this comment interesting because dota is way more complex and has a way higher skillcap than league.

Everyone that says the LoL or dota community is terrible honestly has no idea what they are talking about yeah of corse you get dick heads here and there but the CS:GO community is way worse its just filled with kids that ear rape or russian hackers

You are a genius, thats what happened to me, but i was able to get out of fold

also i forgot everyone in dota is on an EVEN PLAYING FIELD.

no spending years on buying all the heroes, no masteries, no runes.

dota all the way, simply because you don't need to spend any doller to play any hero you want