Doggo Thread GO!

Doggo Thread GO!

I like it!

Those are clearly puppers.


this no doggo

Lmao you're still saying doggo, what are you, like 14?




what's a doggo?


A big puppo

what's a puppo?

A small doggo

Fuck you

He's cute, if you don't mind me axing how many niggers does he own?

Wow thats a nice looking one,o this may be rude but Im gonna go ahead and ax this n e way. how many niggers does he own? house and field

o wow look at these special ones, how many niggers do they own respectively and collectively

hoe many niggers does this one own?



u got bumboozled

Uncle Tom type last I checked 12ish.....

im retarded, through lack of sleep and drug abuse to being over worked I gave myself some form of terrettes syndrome, all i do constantly is wonder about how many niggers everyone and everything owns ive lost my mind

nigger im not racist i just want to know how many niggers evweryone owns


A big pupper



Did i say this was a bad thing?




My doggo


o my bad i am high as shit thank you for the answer kind sir good for your dog wow 12 is nice im proud of him and thank you


my old man doggo who borks

also if you dont mind me axing of that 12 what is the house/ field/ tree ratio?

o wow look at this one , how many niggers does he own?

nice looking hound, how many niggers does he own tho?

69 ckd how many niggers does he own?

I heard this was the place for doggos?

It's a she nigger thank you


.75 ratio last I checked as long as the work is done I dont care, if not whippin time.

how many niggers does he won? if you dont mind me axing

preciate this fam
