I hate people who instantly lock in

I hate people who instantly lock in.

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Me tooo!!!

But then again, I ain't changing my choice for anything. No way, no how.

...still, I at least have the decency to sit there until the clock runs out or everyone else has locked.

You guys need to play ranked more. No instalockers. Just lots of LATAM shitters.

not a chance. Normal game is toxic enough, thanks.

There's less toxicity in ranked from what I've seen. Less afks too.

never solo q, find a 5 man. people are 10 times less likely to be as retarded or toxic

>instant lock Ratshit the patch he got his revamp
>everyone in lobby flames me
>go 60-0 in the game and singlehande carry us to win the game cuz team sucks
>don't say a single word the entire game just bounce around all over
>the only times they talk is to ask who the hell I am and if in pro league
>keep saying nothing like the silent god I am
>everyone on enemy team hates me and run as soon as they see me
Feels good

The worst is insta lock 2 assassins or mages. Then before you know it, it's 3 assasins, 2 magic

Then there's my absolute favorite, insta lock Loki, then proceeds to steal every kill he can when he sees you damage an enemy to quarter life or less.

Fuck you Loki players who play like cunts

Had a guy forget to call a lane in ranked conq so he just locked in Vulcan, ran around in the jungle for 45 seconds and then left

I hate Loki players on clash that farm waves under enemy tower. Now I have to run up to their tower and stand there to get XP. So for all the XP they get, now I have to overextend and die.

>never happened

anyone know a good bacchus tank build for conquest?

The top elo on my team locked vulcan after I called mid and he said he was jungle vulcan. He did really well. Not much in way of ganks, but we won. Good pressure mid.

>insta lock rata

found the toxic nigger, brags about 60 kills when he probably stole every one of them. I bet you don't even call out either faggot

Id post the screenshot but it's on pc and I'm on a train, ratshit was OP I don't see why it's hard to believe

You gotta build Bacchus, he's different than the other tanky niggers

ive worked with Lawbster in the norwegian armed forces, former world champion, isnt he?

Do something pussy

See for yourself


Depends what kind of a build you want, life build, pure resistance build, cool down build, what

he's weak as fuck unless you get the jump, I see even garbage bakasura own him easily

>I hate Loki players on clash that farm waves under enemy tower. Now I have to run up to their tower and stand there to get XP. So for all the XP they get, now I have to overextend and die.

I think some of them don't understand what actually happens when they do that.

i dunno, whichever one is the best for any situation, i'm pretty new. only have 30 hours in the game. trying to master every single guardian since i love tank supports.

most Loki players are selfish niggers who ruin the character to where everyone hates him.

none of them like to help either, it's strictly selfish playing for kills only, not the team win

Heres my perpective of it
If your not gonna change who you pick then you may as well instalock. Choosing someone but not locoing says"i wanna be this god but id change to help our team" so if your one of those who picks someone and doesnt lock in but says we need a such and such, i personally think your worse for the team

Good to know. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

I prefer solo q over premades of pple I only know through the game though.

I personally prefer life builds

What do you think of new God, or as I call her: "Loki that throws shit"

Freaking servers still down atm?

Skadi is the most overpowered god in the game and only unskilleds play her

qins will fuck you up bruh

for real? There's a chat to call out who you would like to be and see if anyone else wants it, if someone does usually it if you even want to fucking win you go on how long you played said God and mastery or followers

The second you insta lock your level 1 Thor with 20 kills you're dragging the team down like a filthy nigger bitch

The fact that her basics go through then come back and that isnt even a passive or ability is unfair

take the good with the bad son, even as an assassin or hunter I usually pick up qins, shit owns blacks

Terra is pretty cool but needs to be needed, I like the idea of her abilities though, better healer\tank than garbage sylvannis

Instalocking literally means nothing. They are gonna be thor either way so why wait and think that he may change

Shes the first hard difficulty guardian which makes me happy

Meant need to have a slight nerf

Should havebrought your skis ;)

3/10 for making me reply

babies first troll

Rama has a passive and an entire ability thats worst then izanamis basic attacks

Her basics only do 50% damage though. So yeah it can hit twice, but if you hit twice it does the same damage a normal hunter would with one basic. It's good for waveclear since it hits the entire wave, but for straight up doing damage and boxing someone it sucks ass.

Paragon is better you shitters

If someone instalocks you can work around that

Thank you for your input. Your contribution has been noted.

Not Terra, the newer new god. The one with stealth, hence "Loki that throws shit"


yeah? what if another nigger with the same thinking of "I'm not switching" instant locks another assasins, now that's 2. Fine work around that, now you got 2 more fucks with the same thinking, look at that now there's 2 mages.

it ruins team balance and makes for a troll fucking game. if you need this explained to you then you haven't been playing long enough to experience the frustration.

if you have an image or something of the build that would be awesome

The damage reduction makes it less unfair but it still gives you an advatage

You'll never git gud.
Why bother trying?

If two differnt people go into queue thinking that they are gonna be a certain god and not change then not instalocking wont do anything

You know, the worst thing about this kind of trolling is that it works. I know you are a sad little cunt, probably shit at the game and definitely shit at life, and yet, I'm still annoyed by you. Well done.

Izanami? Haven't played her yet

>Lawbster is rarely seen to smile, which is one of his tricks in playing a mental game with his opponents
Yeah this guy is hardcore

this troll is real, stay away from him he has ants in the pants

Lemme add to it then: Since her basics count as AoE, lifesteal is less effective on her, and since you can't basic attack untill your fucking boomerang came back, attack speed isn't as good either. She has her 1 which cancels out her weaknesses, but that's only for a few seconds though. Make her waste that shit and she gets outboxed by every hunter.

I mean yeah id prefer no one instalock but if they do i just brush it off

>you can't basic attack untill your fucking boomerang came back
False, you can have multiply boomerangs out at a time

admit it steven she's op like most gods at launch

you're what make me want to play smite less and less.
>join game
>trying to call roles and co-operate with team
>3 people instantly go tanks
>attempting to talk to them and tell them we can only effectively use 2 tanks, 1 ymir for jungle and 1 other for supp for adc
>lose game because selfish retards are too selfish to co-operate
please uninstall dude, honestly.

I aint saying she aint OP, fucker one shots any squishy with her 2+4 combo. I'm just saying that it aint because of her basic attacks which this other fucker claimed to be unfair.

Thought you couldn't, my bad.

fucks sake, try this since baccus can do decent damage

boots of the magi, obsidian shard and rod of tahuti
Bulwark of hope, sovereignty, mantle of discord

>three people instantly go tanks
Lol like that would ever happen
Also cabraken could go solo so you could have three tanks

>Not going kepri support, geb mid, ymir jungle and athena solo.
4 gaurdian meta, step it up.

serious tho, you should be fucking honored to have 3 people willingly go tank. People never fucking go tank in this game.

he has to be baiting cuz he's pissed off a few others here

Its the fact that her basic attacks arent even an ability or passive is what makes it unfair

What elo?

And fafnir adc

insae someone go full damage build for kehpri once, made me lol cuz he failed miserably

Wouldn't call it unfair, just different. It has it's strenghts and weaknesses. It's just different from other hunters. Calling it unfair would be the same as calling sylvanus unfair since he has aoe basic attacks.

That was probably me, i fill any roll with that bug

How do you even lose to skadi? Don't feed her. She gets two shotted even at 20.

No,Cause rama has a passive and an entire ability that lets him shoot through, while izanami gets to do it for free

The fact that serqets 1 and 2 can only damage the dog once

play a real assassin

>he uses abilities on dog

stop don't even try to be funny

Rama's ability also slows, adds bonus damage and lets you shoot trough walls. Izanami's basic attacks don't have that shit.

he's such a solid tank though, as Anubis when I see kepri stun or grab someone it makes my dog cock hard because it'll be open season

Shes literally the best every

>using abilities on the dog
yeah ok dude skadi is "op"

Rama fucking blows, it's rare you see someone actually use him correctly

Yeah i agree, but hes just so much fun to play

You cant because it doesnt work like that which is why shes op

the fact that you use abilities on the dog shows you probably jerk off to serqet porn and hope she plants her stinger in your cockhole

You fucking goon

Yeah but thats 2 of his 5 things while izanami still has her 5 things

Since you obviously dont know what serqet does ill tell you. Her 1,2&3 can hit multiply targets. And her 1&2 can damage anything but the dog multiply time
Also yeah that would be nice if she did that for me

1 of those 2 things is an ability that does a whole lot more than just shoot multiple minions,
The other of the 2 is a passive that affects all of rama's abilities (except his ult).

I agree izanami's waveclear is kinda bs cuzz of her basics, but I wouldn't call it unfair. apart from the waveclear her basic attacks sucks so much ass compared to any other hunter.

But she does it for free

Yeah, she gets a free basic attack that you have to hit twice to do full damage and a free straight up reduction in lifesteal cuzz AoE. Thanks alot obama.

>pick the role first
>don't lock in just so I don't look like an insta-locking scumbag
>some other faggot who took a while to pick chooses a character that's the same role as m and locks in immediately after clicking
>everyone tells me to pick another role
>don't do it

I know paragon is new but how is that doing againts smite?

Thats why you should instalock, so the other guy knows your gonna be that role no matter what

Good in practice but if you're solo laning you always end up with some faggot sat in your lane leeching your xp and feeding their solo laner.

Console conquest is horse shit.

Fucking hate this

I'll try to be cool and pick something off the bat and call say mage, then immediately after because I'm waiting to see what the rest of the team does to maybe change if needed, you see some nigger take my shit

Fucking Illuminati

I play both and holy shit, I like my ps4 and the games I do have but the console version is filled with toxic cunts

>consistently run from a 1v1 battle
>can't jungle
>can't solo
>will leach off lanes
>kill steal city

Console is littered with cunts


I'd say avoid conquest on console alltogether but unfortunatley, until the playerbase increases most game modes are full of nosebleeds.

Also the most frustrating thing is having what looks like a solid team, only to find out 4 people are stood waiting for the movement speed buff and then the support runs straight into the solo lane.

What the hell is a Smite thread doing here. Don't tell me this mediocre excuse of a game is now popular (that could be awesome but ran by a terrible studio)