Feels thread please?

Feels thread please?

I need to talk
You need to probably too don'T you

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talk to the hand OP

Shit mang

What is it op?

A girl and i can not get behind the way she is doing stuff

Can you explain that more?

off yourselves, you depressed lemmings
arrange a gathering and jump off some cliff

depression is Jesus' way to say "my daddy wants you home"

fuck off

pro tip. pig related (rat)

Met her through the internet
We fell in love after our first "date"
After that we continued to have a sort off relationship for about 6 months
That was about a year ago
Throughout this year we had months of no contact and then texting on and off
3 weeks ago we met up once again, we live 150 miles apart
She went back to her ex at the start of this year but still had feelings for me, a lot i might add
Now i'm fine with not being in a relationship with her, but i wanted to stay in contact, she cut it off then
I texted her after that because why not, not hoping anything here, she told me she'd answer but as i have seen now she has deleted my number


Girls can be dumb.
A bunch of hormones
Don't think to much about her, will only harm your psych dude

boo fucking hoo! pathetic asshat

Sure can
Not thinking too much about it but i really thought she'd hold up to her words, looks like she chose the cowards way out, once again

The first "relationship" I had with a girl in my reach went fine for about 5months, then she broke up with me via text message.
Cowards need to be burned in the holly oven

I have a great job, car, motorcycle, I'm going to school. I work out a decent amount and I'm pretty good looking. I have everything going for me. Met this girl a year and half ago. It was only suppose to be a summer fling but I fell hard for her. She broke up with me recently after I bought her a ring before she went to a university. Now I find my self sitting out on my porch smoking and drinking coffee everyday. I ride my motorcycle lane splitting through traffic hoping someone will pull out on me. Thinking I may ride my motorcycle up to the beach we use to hangout at shoot myself.

Wasn't my first one though
It's just the fact that she outright told me she'd answer, every other time she held her word
But not this time

Life can be hard man, but always remember, we men all can relate to how you feel.

Girls tend to say many things just to get their peace.


>Girls tend to say many things just to get their peace.
They sure do man, they sure do
Up until now she held her word
Was that type of girl who "didn't want to leave someone hanging without an explanation"

on't user
the barbell needs you now more than ever


doing gods work

I know life can be hard man. I've struggled through most of my life, untIL recently. Mostly have done one night stands with girls. This was the only girl I've actually connected to spiritually and physically. Feels like I've lost a best friend more than anything. The only thing that gets me is I'll have these damn dreams every night about her. I already have alot on my plate with school and work full time. The dreams are just one more thing I have to deal with.

Live is not good to us

My wife killed her self when I was at work I found her when I got home she didn't leave me a note but she left a note for some of her friends at her friends she didn't leave anything for me

Yeah one of my friends put it to me this way. We live to struggle with little bits of happiness in between struggling. I'm not very religious in any since. So the thought of me shooting myself isn't that big of a deal to me. I just don't want to hurt my family and friends emotionally.

I'm not sure if I should be laughing or crying

That's some heavy stuff man

We are going out
Shes the most perfect woman in the world we agree on every subject
We've only been on six dates but they have been the most amazing six days of my life
She makes me so happy
She said I'm the nicest guy ever and the last time we hung out she said i cheered her day up
I love her
The problem is shes going out with other dudes
Shes mentioned im her favorite but still it hurts so fucking much to know that she's seeing other guys
I don't feel like shes playing with me but I cant stop feeling shes gonna pick one of the other dudes over me
Guy's even time we hang out its like im happier then I ever have been like some sort of light has awoken inside me i didnt know was there
Shes my first make out, hj, bj, and nude but it's not like I even care about that i just wanna spend time with her bc shes funny and she thinks im funny (Both in the autistic Sup Forums kinda make fun of jews and harambe n shit kinda way) I don't know what to do when we're together it seems like shes just in love as I am but over text it's like she just kinda likes me and still kinda wants to go with other dudes

user i love you you beautiful goddamn tragedy. Please dont give up. I teared up just reading the last bit i hope you stick with it and dont bite the bullet

Anyone here ever try to stop drinking? On day two* and I feel like death.
*i drank a 22 oz Guinness before bed to fall asleep. I usually drink 500ml of vodka

I can relate to that kinda thing

But one has to accept the independence of his girl, if she says she loves you, then you don't need to worry.
I also needed to learn that.

When you try to change her, it will most likely break you two apart

Hits to close.