Post your top 3 highest mastery champs and people guess your rank

Post your top 3 highest mastery champs and people guess your rank

Other urls found in this thread:

bronze III

fuckin loser
nobody plays lee sin, he's literally like one of the worst champs

bronze 5

also sage

why guess when i can look up your name, faggot?

post yours



teemo main xD

Wood 5


>not even my twitter kek

Diamond IV bitches

satan teemo troll build best build


Guess my rank... Dont play that often tho

This one is from a while back

Fuck you.

ragers like you literally feed me that freelo son

silver 4

>Draven one trick
>inb4 tyler1 fanboy hehe xd

> lee sin

op is faggot

Guess my rank nerds.


gold 3

tyler is literally one of the most skilled players to ever touch the game though

you literally cant even say he's not
one trick pony is still top tier whenever he grinds it out

yasuo one trick smh
silver 1



Gold 1

Gold 4 atm
Close though

no :)

plat 3?

Plat 5

higher plat


this is op's picture :')

yes, i can confirm this

Jokes on you!
I rarely do ranked.

>Ha! im worse than you thought

Kinda weird how you're SPOT ON

hehe xd


dat feel when i am s4

another teemo main ;-;
silver 1



Plat 3 actually

gold 5

I feel you bro, cba with putting to much effort into league

Ranked status means everything!


Thresh mastery 7
Janna also 7
Riven 6
Not at desktop to screenshot


silver 2

retarded motherfucking faggot maining yasuo Bronze V at best

gold 5

gold 2/3

u r too kind

dont look me up faggots

Cassiopeia is waifu


silver 5

plat something

mate.. you're right

gold 4

Riven one trick, such mechanics man !

thats like my 3rd spot on guess lmao


Meh actually S II

awesome buddy.. awesome


Oh Baby



Stuck plat 5 so pretty much


Gold 4

bronze V, can't find his ctrl button

It's it diamond 1?

>hardest one

tyler1 is shit

he is mechanically good but has awful fucking decision making and feeds 100% of the time it isnt 2v2


>spanish client

LAN/LAS is filled with actual retards though, they do the bronze 5v5 siege mid at 10 minutes and wait for something to happen in silver/gold/plat elo

Tyler really is overrated and toxic ik he has trolls but half the time they're "bot is 1/3 fucking trolls rot in hell you faggots"