Prove you're not black

Prove you're not black..

I pay for black men to come fuck my wife and fill her pussy with their seed.

I've always said negro


I finished highschool

I dont have a criminal record

I have a dad

Nigger spotted..

We're all of black origin.

We are black inside.


I have a full time job and my dads name is Mike


On burgerking or tacobell?

I am allergic to watermelon.

No need to prove, I just fucking hate niggers
Grandfather didn't see one till he was 18 lucky son of a bitch

I don't blame racism for all my shortfalls in life.



holy shit I would pay big money for something like this I wonder how much it goes for?

I can read.
I know how to use punctuation.

Have had a good full time job for over a decade.

I'm not in jail.


I know my father on a personal level.