Apologize americucks

apologize americucks

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sorry we didnt nuke tokyo


Sure I'll apologize right after I see ALL of Japan glow in nuclear radiation.

>pussy tier sneak attack on america's largest pacific naval base killing thousands of americans as they slept on sunday morning
>upset that america retaliated

u want pray game u must accept consequence

If I had a A bomb for every gender

Murica yey

Oh my god, are we really still going over this? Fucking fine dude.. Japan, I'm sorry I ate your hot pockets but for real they were in the freezer and you didn't put your name on it. We've been over the name thing like a million times bro.


Fuck no, Japan was asking for it

For what? Destroying our enemies? Winning the war?
I don't think so jap

Although I am Greek I can second the notion that if the Americans didn't drop the A bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war would have just continued for years (Hirohito would not surrender), killing many more than the bombs ever could. The Americans essentially ended the war with what they did.

the pics isn't an atomic bomb. Sorry Bro


>bring us the Emperor and wipe away the debt

They had an out, but they didn't take it.


I'm sorry we dropped only 2

honestly, the japanese don't need or want an apology. the ones who were alive during that time know how shitty the japanese government was. in fact, i recently saw the documentary "white light/black rain" and they even said that the message of the japanese government to the japanese citizens was "want nothing until the war is over." the japanese government would've never stopped if they weren't beaten into submission. and, as was mentioned earlier, they could've bombed tokyo if they wanted. bombing pearl harbor was the biggest mistake the axis forces could've made. and they made it. ultimately, the a-bombs saved many lives.

I'm sorry you pulled a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and we taught you cowardly chinks a lesson that you're still talking about 70 later.


pearl harbor was inside job

unit 731

Oh fuck off.

One of the things that get me about pearl Harbor was that many of the ships that sank had people alive in them for days after the attack that died of starvation.

Butthurt weeaboo detected

You faggots gave our youth cancer by making them weebs, so fuck. I'll nuke your ass myself if I have to.

>thinking it's actually comparable
maybe if japan had made fingernails of american kids slowly melt over several weeks it would have been a fair argument

(though admittingly i know that americans didn't comprehend the power of the a-bomb when it was used, they were also surprised of the after effects)

Ps fuck you slant eye kucks go suck a body pillow

Poor Nanking :( we should have dropped more A bombs on Japan.

Niz I love lolies

>apologizing to casualties of war

Japan should honestly be eternally grateful we didn't continue to nuke them until their seed was destroyed entirely from the earth.

Sorry for being great

I think cancer for cancer is a fair and equal trade


I sorry you didn't surrender when you should have done it.


chink implies chinese. the correct term is nip.


i wish usa would have a modern war on home soil. just once, just to teach you smug assholes a lesson.

usa may win it in the end, i dont care, just as long as you get to suffer enough to stop spewing all this nonsense from the comfort of your home.

Thanks user, I did not know that.


I don't see the problem with this war poster

we did. see the documentary Red Dawn (the first one, not the shitty remake).

apologize for the chinese and korean comfort women and maybe we'll think about

>you won't and neither will we

You idiot. We killed 100,000 people in the bombing of Tokyo . Babies being carried on the backs of there mother's literally bursted in to flames from the heat as their mothers ran from the flames.

You should really know your history.

> #
>You idiot. We killed 100,000 people in the bombing of Tokyo . Babies being carried on the backs of there mother's literally bursted in to flames from the heat as their mothers ran from the flames.
>You should really know your history.

Yeah I dare you faggot citizens here are allowed to have guns. This is why everyone stays off our turf.

The U.S. is a god at war (or the god of war) so if you start talking shit know your place trash

Unit 731

Google it

Maybe they should have been working on researching nukes before they attacked then?

Tokyo was already bombed and pretty much destroyed before we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Go ahead you fucking idiot the entire country is armed, nevermind the military.

Come on man. You can't even insult right. Chicks are for Chinese.

Who says racists/ethnocentric arent ignorant?

>citizens here are allowed to have guns
Yes, because every hotspot in the world is a gun free zone.


Make us

You did this. ~_~ I wanna die

Such a large country would take years to invade and hold any sort of control. And within hours of an invasion on American homeland there would be a global nuclear crisis at hand.

Sorry we left the job half finished. It's our fault that anime exists.


The common argument against that is that it was necessary to end the war fast and that it therefore saved lives.

But even if this is true, which is debatable, then it is still a war crime since it was not attack armed forces which were attacked

They specifically targeted 2 cities inhabited by hundredthousands! of civilians.

Even if this was a necessary evil it is still evil and if the USA would have been on the losing site of this war this would be the horrifing holocaust we would hear about in history class.

But you never hear about this from people from which it would matter. Same with slavery or the annihilation of the entire race of the Indians.

All those inhuman acts, although unspoken of in the generall public are problems which will eventually rise up and which the USA will have to morally deal sooner or later.


>But even if this is true, which is debatable, then it is still a war crime
You obviously have no idea what a war crime is.

I'm sorry for being better than you.

Get fucked

Sorry we didn't nuke the entirety of those slanty eyed bastards.

If we didn't nuke, would there still be anime?

I don't get this one.

Rueknit a 731 reporting in

fuck them gooks

why tho

Yung japan-ease girl with common cold ..she die ..not nuff dristan

we attacked two industrial cities with complexes that manufactured war goods. that's not a war crime. we even dropped leaflets ahead of time explaining the bomb we would use is like no bomb ever witness before.

not a war crime.

The Japanese fucking deserved it and the entire world knows it.


kek irl


that sounds too good to be true

Cry moar plz

kill more of 200.000 japanese girls..

life with more 37.000.000 of nigger...

JAPAN: stop making porn featuring girls eating raw hamburger while riding a trolly getting fucked by japos wearing pink suits and getting showered on by rice. thanks