I am Mexican and I fully support Trump. In fact, I would gladly volunteer to build thay wall

I am Mexican and I fully support Trump. In fact, I would gladly volunteer to build thay wall.

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With what, tacos and lawn mowers?

Fuck off, beaner.

I american and I'm going to mexico if that zionist cock sucker wins

Are you also going to volunteer to learn English you dirty spic?

good riddance



You sound like a patriot, my southern bromigo

Incest 2016

Donald Trump has some heavy hitters in his lineage check it out.

You should leave in advance, to be honest.

Dude, Same

Wow, Correct The Record's content has really hit rock bottom


Look at those big hands

If you really hated Zionists, Hillary would be your target. She's working closely with the biggest Jew in the world, Soros. Although I don't expect Hillary's media team to mention that

Hillary and Trump are both the same shit, zionist cocksuckers fighting to show who is more cucked by their Israeli overlords.

If you think a wall will do anything, Mexicans really are as stupid as Donald says they are.

Fuck off hillary worker

>being this much of a retarded stormfag
Hillarys biggest donator is a single ultraleftwing jewish businessman

Why yes I love my country.

I don't know where u get ur facts from, enlighten us please

good thing mexico is a third world country, because you're gonna have fun with real estate after you get deported

Can I ask you something, bromigo?
When did it become offensive to do what you just said?


you probably will be building it. God knows the US wont be able to afford or find workers that are gonna do it.


That is one of the reasons Trump will win. Do you think hardworking Mexican-Americans who are registered voters DON'T want a wall between them and illegal Mexican workers?

Lol that is my desktop background

Trump is a born-rich billionaire retard with 11 bankruptcies. This fucking loser can't keep a business afloat. What makes you think a guy with ELEVEn bankruptcies is going to make the country go anywhere but down as always?

Holy shit, I even see it when I'm driving. These fucking poor wage slaves with Trump bumper stickers for a guy who could give a shit less about them and their poor ass dirty trailer babies. They drive beat up 1970 trucks and work 14 hours a day of HARD, BACKBREAKING labor to cheer for a fucking billionaire who didn't do a fucking thing to earn mommy and daddy's trust fund money.

Are people fucking autistic?

My god, we need another Hitler to clean this fucked up planet and its genepool up. For god's sake. Worldwide Idiocracy is well on its way.



Yeah brooooo makes him a zionist, are you deluded? He's smart u dumb fuck, of course he's going to support isrealis if they own the fucking politics and everything on earth. Plus zionism and isreal is not the same

Oh but they can afford to terrorize people overseas and spend trillions of dollars doing so

Alright, have fun funding terrorist forces and giving free shekels to your jewish overlords, because they're victims as you know.

Trump doesn't seem very intelligent actually. He's been kind of a colossal failure as a businessman so far. If he had the same budget most people do to start a business, he'd be a walmart greeter by now. This man has zero business sense.

Ever since Trump give his speech about Mexicans, everyone started hated him by logic. And they look down on you when you agree on him on something.

What makes you think a woman you couldn't keep track of emails can run this country?

You sound mad

You sound poor.

Why won't he release his tax returns?h


You are quite stupid

Wtf, I hate trump now

Trump is just another one of them. If he wasn't, he would have already been killed. Just like Kennedy.

I don't really understand your point here?