Ask an Argentinian anything Vol 3.0

Ask an Argentinian anything Vol 3.0

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Que onda guacho?

Curtite solo, puto boludo

Why are your Jews so bad but your food so good

Sorry, OP but it's mandatory

Te gustan las nenitas ?

How are the women in Argentina? Sluts or saints?
Do you live in Buenos Aires?
Why don't you move to Brazil, it's bigger and richer, right?
What changed since Macri got elected? Is it better?

Ser argentino te hace muy especial?

Not Op here but argenigga
They are sluts but only if they like you
Idk, op should answer that

Anything to be honest, still didnt regret for voting him

Forgot to say
Argentinian women are hot in buenos aires
Dunno if they are that hot in other places

Cuantas copas tenés negro envidioso

pongan el video del apuñalador de berisso sin censura

no discrimination

por que el dinosaurio? y por que ese de la esquina no tiene cara? por que el uruguayo es el unico blanco?

Acá andamos, comiendo unas pocas y tomando unas birras con amigos

OK, te mando un saludo camiguerouuu

Haha we have a lot of Jews here. More than any other latinoamerican country.
We dem best barbeqeuers I'm da world

Haha I know, keep em coming

No. A vos si?

Slutty. All of them. Even if they are low profile or shy. I guess the same as in every country
No, Córdoba.
I guess. I prefer people from here. Going next year with friends tho
I'm really not into politics or economy so I'm not so sure haha.

Quien te conoce papa? Anda a la cancha bobo

Recién lo ví, derrotado por tacheros lmao


Is it true that guys in Argentina only have 4-5 friends, that they met in their childhood?

Más bien hermano! Arriba todos los hermanos latinoamericanos!
Como anda todo por allá?

are you a taringuero ?

habra golpe de estado en argentina?

What? Never heard that haha. I guess everybody have just 4 or 5 close close friends top. I really don't know

Un lurker jaja, nunca fui activo. Hice un post que me dieron mil puntos y algo y fue mi mayor orgullo. Nada más

Why would Nazis escape to Argentina after the war?

por que estaba en la orilla al mar, y era lo mas lejos que podian ir

Why u guys hate Maduro? He is the best president of Argentina. Better than Lula or Evo Morales.

Na, de que hablas culiado jaja

Great weather and they had many allies here

peron (de facto president first, and elected after, in that time) admired nazi culture
so they were some kind of "welcome"

Are you a Nazi? Why argentina is full of nazis?

su situacion politica esta de mierda, no faltara el grupo que se aprovechara de esa situacion

why Argentinians are such stupid and egocentric bastards that believe they are better than any other american ?


only porteños (people living in buenos aires, the country's capital) are like that

why do you call them portenos?

Se tomaron en sabiendo que estaban mal. Que te hagan sólo como culpable.

if that is true then it tells me that all the countries bordering invade us?
till the British fucking invade us ...

I don't hate maduro. No idea actually

No, I'm not. I don't know. People here think we are descendent of Europeans. That must be the reason

Jaja ni hablar

I really don't know, but everybody keeps saying that so it must be true haha. No idea man

That's what I've heard

>Se tomaron en sabiendo que estaban mal. Que te hagan sólo como culpable.
learn how to fucking spanish faggot

¿Qué opinas de México?

I just hope that Trump does not build that wall, but if he did, I hope you are not that stupid enough to pay it

como se siente ser un maricon, hijo de puta?

Not OP but it's the demonym for the (Port) city

Hola conchudo

Ni madres

hola boludo

no.. Rosario is the plance you are looking for.. average girls looks like models and they are way more nice and likeble than porteñas .. that is a fact


you country wish to be like UK.

> they love soccer (a british game)
> put name in english to the soccers club

Soccer is British !!!

maradona you can bite my dick

Falkland Islands are british


we British, Polish, German, Irish, Spanish and Italian descent.

Why are Argentinians so greasy and are such pussies, unable to hold on to shitty islands with sheep on them RIGHT NEXT TO THE MOTHER LAND? Falklands 4 lyfe, nigger.

because they hate us so much if you have black in their country XD

They knew that the lolikon in Argentina is legal ...

Argentina in europa!

empresas recuperadas?
where were you during the banging of pots and pans?
whats your socioeconomic class?
did you ever go to any of the assemblies practicing horizontalidad?

Tacos playas y chicas lindas. Chichsrito. Los z y salvatruchas me dan mucho miedo.

No soy ninguna de las dos jaja. Cuando sepa te digo

Hola man, como va?

Haha I don't think so. Anyways you have many things better than ours. Yeah, flaklands are British since 30 years ago. Tell me the news man

Thanks. Tru aryan master race here

Haha yeah, I don't know. People can't let go I guess. The war was very sad, a lot of young man died there. Guys my age.
It is? R u sure?


OK. I didn't get shit of that

Please thrown to the mexican. be the example for our politiocos

Britbong here - I'd like to know when the next time we can look forward to a shitty-halfarsed attempt at stealing our beloved Falklands will happen next. Not that it matters if we know or not...Remember what happened last time? Kek. Anyway, we'll send a third of the force we sent last time because MY GOD it was overkill haha what an easy win. Wondering why you're such pussies and so greasy?

se los manda el Fhurer! el Fhurer ario! XD

hey faggot so how is the brexit going ?
are you poor enough to become thirld world?

Im hoping for a folklands war soon so i can die with some honor instead of letting a train hit me

non se que mierda dice porque me traduce mal el google translate pero tenia esta imagen sobre el asunto..

What is the colour of your penis? Dime, maldito.

EYY LMAO you clearly haven't read the news lately, because if you had, you'd know that it's actually now doing the economy favors :) Oh, do us a favor would you? Sail past the FALKLANDS to check how our sheep are doing, yeah? But don't sail too close... we all know what happened last time a greasy Argentinian got too close to the Falklands ;)

after that Argentina will help many countries with merchandise to Spain even washington. etc. etc.

when we were wrong, under a military dictatorship. English fucking vultures. They aprobechan to attack! .. are accursed! Dirty! Cowards!

"Foreign Help!"
Do not Know What Russians!

I agree man. North Argentina is pure shit.

Rosa. Un poquito más oscuro que el de mi piel

Are you fuckers going to get into Rugby now?

I liked your shit in Rio, you should get into fucking Rugby now.

kek only nationalist faggots in argentina care about falklands/malvinas

keep them, who cares

We are into rugby faggot

My favorite part is where it says "English Victory" Ah yes, sweet, sweet, victory.

Cuantas copas tenes che?

oh yes the war that your cucked queen used to hide the lack of support of your people and the economic problems.

yeah lucky you. fag


Que opinas de México y de los mexicanos?

See, now I don't like you again.

En mi casa una banda. Mis viejos tiene un montón en un mueble que siguen acumulando al pedo, cada vez tienen más y ni las usan

I'm sorry, forgive me

De qué parte de Córdoba sos? Si es de la capital, de qué barrio?

Argennegro Tu basura de pais con sus pesitos miserables no tienen frontera con el Perú. Mejor que cierren sus fronteras para no tener que aguantar a tanto argentino mochilero mugroso.

En realidad soy de San Francisco, estoy estudiando en Córdoba y vivo en Nueva Córdoba como casi todos los estudiantes jaja

Habló el negro inmigrante y verdulero.

Aw. You're alright. We cool.

I'm serious about the rugby, though. You could fucking own in Japan in 4 years.

Can you go to jail if you kill somebody?

Te has topado con negros de mierda actuando en grupo de robo piraña? Alguna anécdota?

Not at all
If you know how to trick justice...

Haha I'm not into rugby man. Everyone here is into football, rugby is not very famous in here. Shame...
I can, and will if I do. Wtf with that question?
No, me sorprende que no porque salgo re tarde y siempre a pata y solo. Igual a la tarde nunca me asaltaron ni me gritaron ni nada. Creí que tuve suerte. Hay muchísimos canas aca

You in Rosario? Want to tag team a hooker?


Dem dubs. I'm in Córdoba. Let me know if you come here


cordoba sucks
all the good looking girls are in Rosario

Malevo Ferreyra .. left us a legacy the wise and these wise words:
"Kill all niggers"

and 100 pesos notes have a mass murderer of black

Habla en español huevon.
Por lo menos en el barrio en el que vivo yo me causó de ver minas hermosas jaja. Peor que se yo, nunca fui a rosario

I won't bother you with rugby shit again. But do you know who this guy is?

He stood out, to me. I want to see more of him.

Mmm I'd say Axel Müller. Amyrite?

I don't speak Spanish
I moved here 8 months ago because I knocked up some girl here and wanted to do the right thing
but then I found out if I don't sign shit I dont have to pay anything for the kid
so I've just been down here drinking fernet and fucking the easy girls before I head back to the US
pic related easy boba

Haha nice story m8. Hope you find happiness then