
Preston Station edition

Shall not be letting some leaf upstart beat me to it this time

Other urls found in this thread:




da northern powerhouse

Mr Janitor, tear down this thread



janny is quite displeased

Ah yes, very impressive

you're a fucking mong if you don't read

>be american
>need billboards to remind you not to commit incest


Got these too and a daki cover (no pillow at the moment tho) and some other random keyrings and stuff

Even the advertising hoardings in America have black names

What do you think was AOTY 2016 /Brit/?

Nah, I can read stuff here on Sup Forums and other parts of the internet

but a full book is just shit

they're physical things that take up space and it's not exactly the most ergonomic thing in the world


Lamar was a white person's name lol

Business Idea: Plant multiple Blarites within the Labour party and have them call a vote of no confidence in Corbyn as leader so there has to be another party election. Continue to do this until a Blarites is elected as party head and then Labour might have a chance in the next General Election.


very good post
do you have any more pictures of your stuff?

hello brown mexican little dick nigger

tad obsessive

yes, buying clothes for myself is incredibly easy

actually black people are just named after the billboards because american blacks are stupid cunts

flip flappers

In case of disaster, you can't warm yourself with dvds and blu rays

who invited you


did a think



Scottish football

There's only room for one European gimmick poster in this town sonny

You just reminded me of my Umi wall scroll. Wish I was as dedicated as you desu, I bet theres been loads of stuff released since I stopped buying, NEED a daki though I dunno why I never got one.



side note: lamar is enormous. now that i think about it, just about every billboard i have ever seen was lamar

anti trump protest today in Dublin
I particularly like the indocrinated children

new plug x

does mexicANO hate women

>im actually in this video



Diev et mon droit, what's yours?

is this poleaboo


v. good post

Didn't really pick up much last year, I liked Planetarian and new Natsume Yuujinchou.

We almost accidentally nuked Florida last year lmao


>Lamar is enormous
Bet your girlfriend says that all the time

delete this

janny will not be pleased

cute bollocks

you're right
fuck off

frogs are honorary anglos

Good edition
I like Preston station

>seeing my workplace on Sup Forums
doesn't feel right


hot girl was so clearly into me. to the point of grabbing me when i went for piss and asked me where i was going. i still pussied out. literally fuck my life i hate myself so much. why cant i talk to women.


Scottish football is good fun 2bh. Its completely toxic. You don't get that sheer venom and hatred with English football.

bit gay mate

yeah she knows about it too ive brought it to her attention before as well


>hot girl

If you wouldn't shag a twink you're gay desu


really need a twink bf

wait I live in manchester I could just go to the gay village


Lytham actually

sorry 'fit bird'



groundhog day is top comfy and filled with snow

>Cross country skiing
>rock climbing
>mountain biking

*sees flag*

Oh wait ummm


only for celtic rangers
hearts hibs is a pathetic derby compared to villa blues

need a well hung twink bf to drill me like a loose screw

>at a party a couple years ago
>go to grab beer
>come back to find qt talking to mates
>she's clearly attracted to me the most
>mates wingman and leave us alone eventually
>we're standing face to face, she's holding on to me, putting her hands near my crotch
i didn't do anything hahaha

only slightly less cringeworthy

>i am also in this video

Do you think those activists WANT there to be inequality?

When they're asked for their job a lot of them just state "activist".
I know it's a meme for hippy activists to have no job but memes are based on truth.

Ever since gay marriage became a thing in the UK and the US I haven't heard shit about gay rights. They've moved on to tranny shit and genderqueer crap - things that they themselves would have thought ridiculous 10 years ago.

When they have less to fight for they try and look out for shit to support, like that Peter Tatchell cunt trying to lower the age of consent to 12.

Just an idea tbqhwyl

old memes cross post


i don't understand what these women are protesting

it all just seems silly

not sure I mentioned it lads, but waiting on graduate applications is quite nerve racking

>hearts hibs is a pathetic derby compared to villa blues

Mostly just random gatcha stuff, that's the daki cover on the bottom left

Never too late to buy a daki desu

Boiling perogies

Despise Scottish football fans. Leftie taig celtic supporting cunts vs thick Rorke rangers fans, would gas the lot of them in a second.

Hate how they think they're hard as well, they'd look like Seattle Sounders fans against continental ultras or even millwall fans


just kidding

women are repulsed by me


just heard some dindus doin nuffin outside my window
not a fan

>Do you think those activists WANT there to be inequality?
yes but they've managed to convince themselves otherwise

Mind the gap

Is there a preferred site to buy dakis from? I got my figs from amiami but stuff usually goes out of stock forever on there

fuck our lives. sometimes feel like we're meant to be miserable.

fucking shitlords

>they'd look like Seattle Sounders fans against continental ultras or even millwall fans
Pishing myself at this

They might be mugs but they'd demolish any southern ponce firm in seconds flat

ah yes the worlds most dangerous and expensive chess game

>twinks on Canal Street

are you in the south?

delete this image mate


>He thinks we don't go hiking

10% of all land in the UK is national parks