I need help

I need help.
I had a argument with my girlfriend, but now we are back to normal. Only thing that's different is, she behaves strange. She said it will take a bit for her to become normal again, I give her space and time, but somehow it destroys me from the inside because she's not like she used to be.

Parents already told me that I eat less to nothing lately, I already came from 64 to 60

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You are 64 and you are on b? Le facepalm .... -___- you can porbably just smack your girlfriend ass off to teach her lesson of story......

There a big shit in my ass

That's my weight

First argument huh? I would you to tell her to stop being such an overly dramatic psycho bitch.

She was like "I don't know why, but this really hurt me"
I don't want to hurt her, she sticks with me even after such an argument and she says she still loves me.
But i just can't feel the love

She loves Tyrone and his big black nigger dick.
You've shown what a pussy you are by not slapping her around.

u aint gettin it someone is

they like getting fucked like a whore
come back to you to feel good about herslf again

in kg you stupid fuck

sorry user, you have to kill and burn her now

Most likely is that she is just playing you acting like that after a fight argument so next time you wont even start an argument or voice your opinion cause you still have the fear of "hurting" her like you did last tile
This trick is pretty common in women tbh
they like their cute hurt victim role


she's cheating on you

she will remind you of this the rest of your life

take your mutilated cock and comment back to israel

Tell us what the quarrel was about, so we can help you user.

tfw zeb is that you?

Great diet plan! Keep going, you control freak! Leave her alone, You psychopath!

It was a pretty lame reason, she though i just love her for he body.
I deleted all her nudes to show her how serious I am about it.
But she Is still hurt, and she said she will probably never be normal again.
So we now took a break.
We didn't break up, we just need time for ourselves

You have to keep praying it aloof. If you cave and start kissing her ass or being too needy, she will drop your ass.

Honestly, you are probably in the shitzone right now as it is. You have to act like you don't give a shit or at the very least, act like nothing is wrong. Make her believe you don't care one way or another that she has " gotten over" whatever you two fought about.

I'm telling you this man to man, quit acting like a littke bitch. Who care if your immature gf breaks up with you. Have some confidence in yourself and just play it chill. If she breaks up with you, you should take that as a blessing. Trust me, having a long term gf sucks. The best part of relationships is the first 3 months anyway. Break up with her, find yourself a new chick, pkay with her for 3 months and do it all over again. Life is too short to be handcuffed to the same pussy forever.

Jesus so many typos, sorry posting from my mobile and it's like 5am. I need some sleep. Good luck you faggot.


She sounds like a manipulative cunt

she probably just stopped fucking someone better than you
>step ya game up

This is the only advice you should listen to user.
Good luck man

This man spoke the absolute true.
Being a pussy now will destroy the relation or worse she will have in fact all the power and trust me you don t want that.

It is a mistake I Have done and i found myself with a fucked relationship that destroyed my gpa, my friends and my self esteem.

The autists of Sup Forums have spoken, take the teachings and go forth irl

we love you dad

what was the argument about? did you really come to a conclusion or did you just postpone it?

sounds like something that happened to me and my ex.

every few months, we'd argue because i never really wanted to spend time with her family and she'd have to be alone at all her family events. i'd argue that those events are bullshit and that she shouldn't go too.

neither of us ever caved, we'd just forget about the argument and went on, but she would often go into these moods where she was just like sad and i could tell it was bothering her.

after a few of these arguments in the span of a year she now decided that we break up.

if you have an unresolved issue, you need to talk about it. you need to come to a conclusion. one of you has to give in. unresolved shit will always be in the back of your mind and will eventually fuck you up.

> she thinks I only love her for her body

Simple solution: do shit with her that doesn't involve having sex. Go to the park, go to an athletic event, go to a movie or a theater production, go to the mall, etc.

Also, if you do nice things for her, don't expect to have sex with her. Showing her that you do nice things for her in order to get laid is a confirmation for her that you only love her for her body. Why so many guys do that is beyond me, it only ends up in shit like what you're going through now op

Only betas fight with the women dey choose

What was ur initial interaction like?

Yeah, how did you meet?

>virgin detected