I'm a devout mormon. As me anything

I'm a devout mormon. As me anything.

How's the Magic Underwear?

who cares?

Haddaquo eidolak Mormo ai?

>devout Mormon
>browses Sup Forums

Pick one cunt

Joseph Smith cared.

Im just doing my missionary work.

Why are you all faggots?
Do you seriously believe your prophet joseph smith, a known con artist, found gold tablets no one else saw and that jesus was a Native American?
Is your religion full of autistic weebos?

i read somewhere that mormons cant masturbate. is it true

Jesus was native american. He travelled to Jerusalem afterwards.

I can masturbate. But i dont brcause its a sin and every sperm is sacred.

No more believable than any other religion


How long have to been a member of the bloods?

Black people don't have souls


I had my baptism 3 years ago.
Latter day saints..... bLooDS

Little know fact, we fund the bloods. Those guys couldn't manage their funds on their own.

what mormon can't do it?

I hear Momty Python, but okay.


They were catholic.

Why do I have to see your faggot churches every block?

Come in and say hi.

Fellow utard

fuxk da 5, 6 poppin 5 droppin