About to smoke a cigarette for the first time while listening to this.
What am I in for?
About to smoke a cigarette for the first time while listening to this.
What am I in for?
lung cancer and social stigma. decent album tho
cigarettes don't last that long user, you might want to take a few if you're going to listen to the whole album
why that album anyway
About 5 minutes of smoking a cigarette while listening to the album, then listening to the rest of the album.
Wow, how exciting!
>social stigma
Smoking is undisputable cool. It will phisically fuck you up, real bad, anod like not in the long term, you'll notice in three days, but not socially
>Increasing the chance of getting lung and throat cancer
>Wow, how exciting!
Reddit what?
>not understanding sarcasm
you didn't understand it either lmao
Don't do it. Nobody is glad they started smoking.
Sure, it feels great to smoke when you're craving it, but that's only the relief from the craving. It's like wearing shoes that are too small all day so you can feel the relief of taking them off at night.
you stupid idiot
>not allowed to smoke anywhere these days so you have to go to the designated area
>if you smoke inside people hate you
>you smell terrible
>soccer moms and mega straight edge people don't associate with you (prob not a bad thing)
>smoke packets have fucking pictures of gross diseased eyes and shit where i live
>government hates you for it
>act like an asshole when deprived of smoking or trying to quit
there's a cool aspect to it but only to high schoolers and other suggestable people
im glad
I love how everything in that pic says "Hey look at me, I just turned 18, how cool am I?"
im 27
>not allowed to smoke anywhere these days so you have to go to the designated area
Who ever smokes somewhere that isn't friendly for smoking? Just wait, sheesh.
>you smell terrible
You really don't smell at all if you practice good hygiene.
>soccer moms and mega straight edge people don't associate with you (prob not a bad thing)
Couldn't care less.
>smoke packets have fucking pictures of gross diseased eyes and shit where i live
This is frustrating but barely an issue.
>government hates you for it
>act like an asshole when deprived of smoking or trying to quit
That's on you.
>there's a cool aspect to it but only to high schoolers and other suggestable people
Like this user said (), smoking is indisputably cool. There's a reason it has been associated with so many archetypal "cool" characters over the years. The stigma that exists only serves to keep its taboo status, which makes it even cooler.
There's a really long list of reasons why you shouldn't smoke, but these aren't on it.
looks like a normal tuesday morning to me. Except for the sunglasses.
And i'm not polish (?).
tobacco is the most confusing vice of the 3 main ones to me as far as i can tell the only reason anyone picks it up anymore is in college/ uni so they can go hang with in the smokers' area with the more "interesting" people. essentially it's a shortcut to making friends and getting laid in clubs, altho all of this is only relevant if you're outgoing anyway and is gonna become completely irrelevant by the time you reach your early 20s
the few times i've tried cigarettes they've been absolutely disguting with no discernable rush or anything, so i assume they only provide any kind of relief once you're already addicted to them. and yea nicotine is massively physically addictive so it's just a shitshow all round
i can understand drinking because socialising with most people is awful, and i can understand weed because life is awful, and both of them provide obvious immediate benefits. but tobacco is just kind of a mystery to me. minimal benefits and you will either die at 60 or spend your entire 20s trying to kick the addiction
Oh god, he doesn't know. Should we tell him?
don't start smoking user
Okay, correction: only pretentious douchebags who need to accessorise their personality are glad they started smoking.
you're 26 dude.
>being born on christmas
>as far as i can tell the only reason anyone picks it up anymore is in college/ uni so they can go hang with in the smokers' area with the more "interesting" people.
i picked it up in highschool because it calmed me down, and helped me keep from becomeing a nervous wreck.
Basing your idea of what is and isn't "cool" off the social status quo of "cool" is pathetic user
That party would be awful and you know it
A lot of crying, but tears of joy.
He might get sick if they're strong though
>this is what smokers actually believe
11 caucasian women
1 black man
1 white man
haven't you noticed the government slowly decreasing the places you can smoke and trying to prevent it through school and such. i don't mean they hate you specifically but they hate smoking and go to lengths to prevent it. also you would have to be a chad or something to fully negate the social impacts, you're right about the cool factor. but people are affected differently and it will only amplify the bad of your social life.
maybe. i am just going off what all the smokers i know have said. i'm 23 and all my friends who picked it up back when we were 16/17 are now trying to quit if they haven't already managed, all of them regret ever starting
however i am also from the uk where basically everyone is a high functioning alcoholic and a huge amount of people are at least occasional potheads. we need shit to deal with how awful everything and everyone is. attitudes may differ in america etc. but yea here most people just ll themselves because socialising is unbearable otherwise
>it will only amplify the bad of your social life.
I dunno dude, I haven't found that to be the case. I just don't smoke around the friends I have that don't like smoking. Truth is if people aren't going to hang out with you because you smoke they probably don't like you very much to begin with.
This might just be me trying to justify a habit to myself I can't easily get rid of at this stage, but I genuinely haven't noticed an adverse affect on my social life since I started smoking roundabout last year. If anything I've been going out more and getting invited out more.
Whoops. Wrong reply. ()
can't argue with that. also i haven't smoked before so i was just assuming some of that
Thinking it's cool instead of realizing you've been indoctrinated by popular culture and product placement originating from the '50s.
Stay plebs man
You've just got your own age wrong.
Terrible life choices and music taste.
That makes it even sadder
You're just idiot as fuck to start smoking.
About the album, it's nice.
i guess at least getting a lifelong addiction to the shittest tier drug imaginable is still a better life decision than willingly listening to an arcade fire album
an idiot as fuck.
>Being anry at there being social pressure to not destroy your own lungs and well-being
I guess it does look cool for you crosley Tumblr pic tho, huh
ITT tippers of the fedora
smoking is nice
You're new and that's okay. Let me just fill you in so you don't emberass yourself next time. Things like "fedora" are in fact used as insults, but they still have to have some relevant context-- you can't just call anything you don't like "fedora", it has to relate to some degree. For instance, ironically, you called everyone that opposed smoking "tippers of the fedora"- OOPS- that doesn't make sense and makes you look dumb because it's only people that *would* smoke that are tippers of the fedora. Try to be more aware next time, and happy browsing, newfriend!
even mouth fedoras are better than cigarettes u dip
there's literally no point to tobacco products
Smoke weed fucking idiot
>not believing in complete personal autonomy when it has no effect on other individuals
disgusting, I hate people like you
>What are you in for
Prepare to cough.
Also smoke cigars, they are much cooler.
Listen to Mac Demarco
I'm born on Christmas too buddy.
Unless you have a whole pack and are willing to smoke away, don''t even bother. Plus, the cigarette will not change the way you'll perceive the word in any way, so it's a stupid premise anyways.
*the cigarette will not change the way you perceive the world in any way
Sorry to burst your bubble but it's not the 50's anymore. Nowadays a lot of people regard cigarettes as not only being extremely unhealthy but also trashy as fuck.
haha yeah and drinking black coffee makes you mysterious too, right?
holy fuck wow sort your life out OP
>lacking empathy
>not understanding second hand smoke
Smoking is for poor underclass losers who don't value their life and have nothing going for them so they need chemical crutches just to feel comfortable.
>when it has no effect on other individuals
>second hand smoke
Learn to read. No I don't mind if you complain that I breathe smoke in your face. That's not the social pressure being discussed, don't be obtuse.
where were you when you realized that smokers are jokers
A shitty twenty minute buzz that feels like coffee except you dont shit your brains out. Honestly if you want a fresh perspective on music youve already heard just DUDE and dont worry about le degenerate meme.
>m-muh smoking is harmful
Piss off, let the man do what he wants.
Smoking is quite nice too, and there's more tobacco products you can use than cigarettes.
Ever use Swedish Snus? Those are tight.