this is good too
for a second i thought her arm was belly fat
can't tell if shitty f(x) or shitty dal shabet
Non-pedo Rotta is our guy.
Blog ass nigga
any /itunes/ man in
>when Hellovenus use a black light in your room
hellovenus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aoa
it really sucks..
Did Luke ever recover after getting BTFO?
well that's arguably pedo, meiqi was 16 here
get the fuck in here
she's just sitting
how did kpg react when the news broke about ladies code accident?
Blog ass nigga
in her freakin chonies my man
no, hes been repeatedly calling her soobuggo and making comments about her butt here
garbage jackets
>not flac
just wait for the fancams
kpop more like kpoop
I'm not wasting my precious ratio on that garbage and no flac
>le flac meme
lol, bet you're on a paleo diet too fag
imagine rotta working with twice
>Hello Venus - Mystery of VENUS
inb4 nice virus lol
fuck off
>Implying you can hear the difference between flac and 320kpbs over your own mouth-breathing
Get a load of this faggot
give my poor soul an invite please
nice adware
Blasted ass niggas
i'm on a diet of a 5 letter word starting with p, but it's not paleo
sent :)
that's eunb right? what a poor little angel.
god i hope this never happens again, idk what i'd do if my waifu died in a tragic car crash.
do not download this it gives you pajeet viruses
t. laptop + (fake) apple headphones user
>penis diet
lol haha lmao you gay my man
please tell me you're joking
lol rekt
that's nice and all but that was somebody's daughter
I wouldn't be able to live on if my daughter died in such a way
Wait does Hello Penis still exist?
oi senpai
sen man some bp (bonuspoints)
mv is great
song is great
aoa btfo
just download all sub-5MB torrents and seed for an hour, it's literally that easy
4 million USD has been spent on loona so far
how much bp you make a day
a little over 1k
just send me 3500, cheers
omo sumin
sent ;)
Fuck nigga u needa step back cuz u aint abt this life. Downy soft ass studio gangsta ass drake ass nigga
Sejeongie showed u niggas wut it is wit da Zico strats. Pristiniggaz rocked u wit dat WE jank til u wuz cryin 4 yo mommas n shyt. WJSNiggas had yall niggas like TT when da comeback drizzopped on yalls niggas asses yo.
IOIniggas run u niggas
just some guy's estimate
it's been good for me at least
dal shabet>hello venus
prove me wrong
>no mina again
where is he...
isn't dal shalbet the one with the michael jackson look alike
all of hv are babes, dalshabet only has 3 good members
post your email
I can't
Haven't made up my mind about the song yet. Didn't really feel anything first time I heard it but sometimes they grow on me after a few repeats. I'm just fucking psyched that Lime has short hair again. It's about time.
soobin making it clap
forgot ur mina man
no that's red velvet
Tried getting an invite to JPS from TI ages ago and had terrible luck. Any suggestions?
pre-woohee: dal shabet > HV
post-woohee: HV > dal shabet
she's so non surgery cute
Stupid ass nigga i done jacked this phone from a fat nigga and all he got is pictures of yo momma on it LMAO
>velvet pantsuits
>I'm just fucking psyched that Lime has short hair again. It's about time.
word, sometimes i'm just like "the kpop girls are getting too pretty and feminine, i feel like sucking some dick now" you know?
My wife!
best step up your game b
user, we've been over this...
when was this misterious pre-woohee time?
does look like a he, you're right
this song fucking sucks