Ask a 41 year old who fucked a 17 year old last anything

Ask a 41 year old who fucked a 17 year old last anything...

PS age of consent is 16 where i live

How much did you pay

*last night

nothing except for a bottle of coke and gas money

What was the age of the last girl you fucked?


17 duh

no, pretty part Maori girl

Lmao OP I know a 64 year old Vietnam vet who had sex with 2 16 year olds beauty is in the eye of the beholder maybe u reminded her of ur dad and boyfriend and needed someone to take out her sexual and mental frustration on

Did she have a tight pussy?

Is your name Phil?

36 years here. Was in a bar last night. Those 18-20 chicks are fucking awesome

You're that guy that stands around awkwardly looking at everyone at the bar whilst sipping your drink every 34 seconds that everyone points out because you look out of place as fuck


I'm about to go out with this girl, turns out she is vegan. Is she allowed to swallow or do I have to pull out, what are the rules?

Do u have daughters around that age? When yes, any thoughts of her while sexing Maori girl?

Yep, but not too tight just perfect

Age of consent is 16 where I live. Not impressed

How old are you?

Nope it's Mike


Where are my answers?

Nope unfortunately

No I don't have daughters around that age, but do have 8 year old step daughter

No fun allowed.

>how did he taste?

How tight was her pussy?