I leave for the Airforce's boot camp in 2 days, ask me anything

I leave for the Airforce's boot camp in 2 days, ask me anything.


why didn't you join the navy instead?
are you just lazy, or kind of a bitch?

how many sandniggers you plan on killing?


Went in Feb 2016
It's more like an annoying summer camp
You guys don't even have web belts anymore
you get a fucking backpack with ipad inside
the fuck
have fun doing EC shift i guess

1N3X1 - Ground Cryptologic Linguist. Air force said I am mildly color blind, so couldn't do Air. Funny thing is by the Navy's standards I am not colorblind. (was going Nuke before switching to Airforce)

I plan on mostly listening to them, so probably won't meet too many.

Any advice? How was your tech school? I am going in with a few years of college so I'm a good bit older than the average (24) and also pretty out of shape.

>the joke made since time was time

well, if you were going to go nuke, it's probably best you didn't join navy anyway. nukes are weird as hell, you school would've been packed with LARPers and Magic players.

Guessing you got high 90's on ASVAB?

Nah, just not a faggot who is into seamen

Okay here's advice
My tech school is longest medical tech school so I won't be done til next May. I went in open general, it was a mistake.

Don't fall asleep in class
I hope you signed your contract as E-3 since you have college
24 is average age imo. I had 31 y.o. guy in my flight, I saw 39 y.o. guy in my tech school
Don't be a pussy. It's an air force basic, it's easy.
You WILL get sick (cold/flu)
I was out of shape too so my first PT test I almost had heat stroke
Push yourself on the last PT test (6th week), if you get 90+ you won't test for another year. I got 88.50 in BMT so I had to test again in tech

Have fun with your 2 year tech school

that's all i can think of

Just stay out of trouble, that's all they really expect from you.
Also what college? Can you pass a PT test now?

How do you feel knowing that you joined the branch that is the butt of most military jokes for a reason, barring the Coast Guard?

Yah I had heard the same thing, I mean I enjoy some tech and fiction but by no means hardcore nerd. I mainly wanted the education from it and that resume gold that submarine nukes get but decided I didn't want to pursue engineering.

I got a 97 on the ASVAB but really it is an arbitrary number once you're in, or so I hear.

Went to bootcamp june 2009. Back when it was 6 weeks long. AFSC was 2mox3. Nuclear Missile Maintenance.

Also, don't bring too much crap to basic. You will literally buy everything you'll need there
Bring a decent size duffle bag because they give you a lot of clothes

All jokes aside. When the meatheads and jarheads cant clear out a target. Who do they call in for support? The airforce, to drop warheads on foreheads. But as a veteran myself, a brother in arms is a brother id die for despite which branch they are in.

Why does the airforce have the coolest logo?

yeah, definitely dont bring a duffle bag, they wont let you in the fucker with that shit man.


protip: you really dont, if you look real close.

Because it's a corporation

word is born

Its a department. Or atleast it says so on the thing

It is good to know I wont be surrounded by highschoolere, that was one of my biggest concerns, just can't stand them.

Oh no, guess i should not go, huh?

I can do the pushups and possibly situps, I cannot run the 13 1/2 minute 1.5 miles though, terrible cardio. Also mildly sprained my ankle 2 days ago, so letting that heal. I can put all my weight walk and jog on it, just hurts in certain angles, what's the earliest running starts in bootcamp, day 2?

oh yeah?

Airforce isn't widely used as much anymore due to costs. Drones and Apache's are cheaper with hellfires.
inb4 Airforce pilot's drones, they just released the MOS for all branches to become drone pilots.

Um yes, definitely do bring a duffel bag. I went in with a tiny ass backpack and I had to stuff that bitch with old Parka + new APECS parka and it exploded in transit to Airman's week dorms
They literally don't give a shit what color your bag is or how big your bag is. That's an old BMT thing now

You know all us military personnel is killed then cloned

What's it feel like to make a terrible decision?

I mean half the people in your flight is gonna be fresh highschoolers
You will start running 1st week, and I believe they are still in summer schedule? so you will do PT at about 6 AM until winter schedule kicks in
I had shin splints for the entire time I was at BMT so there's that
Just don't walk when you're taking PT test. Tha'ts literally the worst thing u can do

trust me this pog doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about, theyll issue you a bag, it you bring one, theyll likely just kick the shit out of you like they did to me

dubs dont lie, nigger

>kick the shit out of you

I guess you went to basic in 90s because they can't even touch you without asking you for permission. And they are not even allowed to curse
As retarded as it sounds, it's true.

yep 93. saw several beatdowns

Yah, it's a lot different

>can't throw beds
>can't poke you with hats
>can't curse (all they can say now is 'what the piss'
>can't touch you at all, my MTI apologized when he actually brushed against me kek
>They can put you on your face, but our flight only did that twice the entire time we were there.

I'm bringing a small 25in duffle bag, can barely fit what im bringing which is just what the packing list asks for.

It's not that I particularly have a huge amount of love for my country, it is that it is the best choice for me, further my education, be able to save up since most things are provided by the military, and hopefully instill discipline in me, I definitely need it

Interestingly, hopefully my clone can make my father more proud of me than I do currently

Jeez, glad it's not that hardcore anymore. I know alot of people are butthirt about the, hmm, gentrification of military training, I feel they should at least be able to cuss and yell directly in your face, but beatdowns seem too extreme. Maybe for the Marines who's purpose is to fight, but Navy/Airforce I don't think so.

Oh they'll yell directly in your face for sure.
25 in duffel is pretty good. Just only pack 1 extra civies in there tho. you really won't need anything more than that

>what the piss
>get you cracks moving
Fuck that was annoying back in '01. Just think of basic training as six weeks of fraternity hazing. That's all it is and then you move on into the apathetic, selfish "adult" world that is the Air Force community. Germany is awesome. Don't let them send you to Korea.

What do you mean by "put you on your face"? As in they can trip you, slam you into the ground?

no, make you do push ups/flutter kicks outside of PT session

I obviously quickposted to the wrong post and was referring to OP as well. Sorry for the confusion.

Korea was actually a place i wanted to go, I do not know anything about the work environment, however. I suppose it depends on what language I get as a Linguist. I have 2 years of Japanese but I know that means nothing to them. They chose what they need. I've heard you get 2 choices in language while in BMT, depending on the week the languages change, but am not sure.

all the linguists in my flight got either Korean or Iraqi.
They can still change it around until you actually get to tech school, which is what happened to one guy that had Iraqi first but now he has Korean

That is good to know, I am hoping for Korean, Chinese, or Russian. I'd be fine with Arabic or what not, just not excited about that particular prospect.

The people I knew who went to Korea liked it, but hated having to be in chem gear for all of the constant exercises. I also wouldn't want to be there if Lil Kim decides to invade. The plan (or so I heard years ago) is not to fight, but to evacuate. This makes me think of when the Japs invaded the Philippines and took thousands of POWs to work as slave labor. Fuck that kind of gamble with your life, user.

I did know a girl who went to Japan and loved it. Maybe you could go there.

13 1/2 minute 1.5 mile? Is that the best score? Or is that passing?

Subhumans like you are the only plus side to us not having eliminated cancer yet. Die screaming, but only after you've watched your family do the same.

13:37 1.5 mi is minimum last I checked

Marines still hit you. Just not officially.

1a011 at lackland for tech school and yeah basic is a joke. Has been since 2012 from what I understand. DONT SARC ME BRO

Jeebus. It's like the air force wants to live up to their steroetype.

I honestly don't think an invasion will occur. And if it does, the South Koreans ,even without our aide, are pretty strong. Also an allied country fully evacuating in the face of an invasion I feel would send the wrong message to everyone else we have agreements with but then again I am no strategist.

I'd love to visit, I am honestly not sure I would want to pick Japanese as my language, not that I found Japanese hard to learn just more of a "been there done that" vibe even though I was never at a fluent level

Thank you, Mr. Idiot Marine. We already knew what your opinion was.

Who says he's a Marine?

You're probably right. The chances are may be slim.

My tech school after DLI will be there as well, how is actually being able to explore San Antonio? Good place to be?

Just reminded me of one. That's all. Could also be a 12 year old, nazi Trump supporter. They all sound the same.


Malmstrom, FE, or Minot?

You're both gay, but at least one of you is an actual Branch.

Army master race reporting in

How many dicks are you going to suck?

Wuts ur GT score brah


Maintainer here. turboprop engines for the c130, blackhawks, and apaches. Going to be stationed in Tokyo, Japan in a few months. The first 3 weeks of boot camp are hell, then they stop yelling at you after 3 weeks. It will still suck, but not as much. If they start yelling at you, just put a blank expression on your face and continue to say "yes sir" or "no sir" over and over again. If they asked you why you fucked up the answer is always "a lack of discipline sir" then they stop being mad. @navy, enjoy your 6 months at sea faggot, i'll send you a snapchat from the 2020 olympics

Do you think you'll ever join a real branch of the armed services?

Pretty cool. Does that job let you travel often or is this your first deployment? I fear that because a Linguist is so niche and only applies to one language that I won't travel too much.

How early do you start running in bootcamp? I hear the first few days you aren't yet supplied gear so do they run you in civilian clothes? Just wanting to know if I'll have enough time to let my minor sprain heal, should be back to nornal in 4-5 days but get on the plane in 2 days.

I haven't taken the ASVAB since JROTC. I'm an officer. We compete for branches based on our PT score, grades, and extracurricular activities

There are only 2 branches: the Army and the Navy.
The Air Force is a corporation and the Marine Corps is a cult.

joining the us military was the worst decision of my life. I mean besides being stationed in the Fatherland. fuck the u.s gov.

What makes the Air Force a corporation? Is it something like how it is involved in civilian business or how its structured?

Currently an ground linguist at DLI if that's your thing I can answer questions

Oh cool, a few months ahead of me then. What language did you get? Did you get choices in language? How is it so far? Any weird treatment in boot for being a Linguist? I've heard some people don't really like them for some reason, like they are generally pretentious or think they are or something.

>mfw 142GT
>fucking sub 100 plebs are morons

Still better than being a knuckledragger

It has to do with the fact that Airmen have things too easy, their officers are very political even for officers, and they are very closely tied to civilian corporations

I got Persian Farsi, and it wasn't even on my list. You'll make your language list around week 4 iirc and get you language around late week 6. I originally had pashto but got switched out last second. No one gives a shit about you being a linguist as long as you aren't socially retarded like some linguists are. The only time it'll matter is once you start to brag about asvab scores.

Alot of DLI depends on your attitude. Probably about 60% of this place is salty as fuck for various reasons. I love learning language but it's not for everyone because it's so hard, or well quickly paced. The phases are nice when you're here long enough you get off squadron pt and have no curfew and shit. Thats where I am now.

امیدوارم که رمانت در مدرسه زبان ارتش به تو خوش بگذارد

Are you going to fuck any Dilfs?

Hey! 2M0X3 fag here as well, went to Malmstrom. Had fun. Been out for about 2 years now. Don't really miss it all that much, but Code Change used to be a lot of fun.

Ahh, I have heard they are more political and that the quality ofblife is the best relative to the other branches. But on the flip side I have also heard they have slow promotion rates relative to other branches. I would of been an E5 as a Navy Nuke right at 2 years, going to be an E4 as a Linguist If I am lucky at 22 months. My recruiter is an E6 at 13 years, in, it is not uncommon getting E6 in 6 years in the Navy, at least as a Nuke.

If I catch you posting memes around here again, you're out. You're done. Don't let it happen.

Where you just to scared to join the Marine Corps?

What branch are you in? Do you get any time off? I hear Monterey is just an amazing place to be, get to enjoy it? What's the living arrangement like, a shared room?

hahaha navy.
he wants to be lazy not gay

what career would you have now if you'd paid attentio in school?

I think you meant to type "too* smart" ;)

0, air force gets nothing done

Geologist, switched majors halfway through and didn't want to take out loans. Honestly, probably will switch to banking in the end, oil industry going to shit and all.

I would rather outflank my opponent than run at the bullets. And at least the Army is smart enough not to engage an enemy unless we outnumber them 3 to 1.

Plus I don't want my platoon calling me a fucking boot when I'm trying to establish mutual respect. Being a butter bar is difficult enough as it is

Why did u chose the bitchforce instead of marines or army

Trips of troof.

Low GT score fags btfo

I just enlisted with the national guard (nasty girls). Anyone have any advice for the boot camp / any other general advice?

Proof the Army calls in the Marines if they're too scared handle a situation themselves. Army is full of overweight beta niggers. Try growing a pair and then transfer over to Marine Corps boot. If you transfer over to Marine Corps from any other branch, you'll have to go through boot again. Same can't be said if you transfer from the Chair force to Army.

You will wash out most likely

Career enhancing skills rather than being a fighter/mechanic.

I'm Air Force, Monterey is alright the weather pretty much fucking sucks. It's near alot of cool stuff. You'll have a roommate for most of the time here the first room you go to doesn't have its own basically they are shared per bay but any rooms in the other buildings like 650s and 800s have their own bathroom

good luck and thanx for your service

Get off Sup Forums you fuckup, you have a real job to do now.

Do you leave for the Airforce's boot camp in 2 days and can i ask you anything?

First room? You'll be in multiple rooms over your time there? How long is Farsi, 48 weeks? Hard to bring a girl up to your room? Lol


You'll have a few room changes over time


I haven't brought a girl up to my room, but I have a few friends who have and didn't get caught doing it. Usually they leave you alone on the weekend

Not as an officer. If I transfer I just have to go to whatever the hell you call your BOLC