Korean reunification when?

Korean reunification when?

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Never with the North Korean aggression. It would take an incredible revolution.... though I doubt that the people want that

Will it happen in our lifetime?


Not a single concession to those totalitarian mentally ill subhumans

Korea must remain a land of freedoms

They should do it for a cooler flag.

When Japan support North Korea instead of South Korea, North Korea become by far stronger than South Korea.
Then North Korea can easily conquer South Korea.

We have to support North Korea.
We have to stop supporting South Korea.


Are you afraid of fusion Korea?

We Japanese are all cheated by USA.
North Korea's army was truely Japanese army before 1945.
South Korea's army was ruled by shit Shanghai porn pincture's mafia.

South Korea killed 11 Japanese fisherman and conquered Takeshima in 1952 "during Korean War" though Japan supported South Korea.
In short, North Korea is by far better than South Korea for Japanese.

>koreas reunite
>millions of northerners head south looking for a handout


We have to beat shit USA's mafia with North Korea's support.
3.11 earthquake and nuclear plant accident was artificial. That was caused by USA's Jew mafia.

>they all kill themselves

You're insane.

for what purpose except nationalism do you hope reunification?

In all seriousness, South Korea would not at all benefit for reunification. NK is an absolute undeveloped shithole. All of your cash would go towards just trying to make it decent.

I strongly recommend you to go visit a psychiatrist

We have to pay reunification cost because Korean divide is our fault.

It is not your fault.
If you have money, pay your government debt.

What is your reasoning behind that?


Japanese empire messed up Korea and allowed penetration of commies, so it's Japan's fault.

There were very few commies when under Japanese rule.
Most of them that came from Manchuria and Russia after World War II.
Kim Il Sung is also a raised by the Soviet.

do south koreans even want a reunification?

>Japan beating the USA

Oh? You want a Round 2, eh?

Most of them actually don't. They only kind of pretend to. Taking in all of NK would be a massive hassle, and there really wouldn't be any benefit.

I do. So I won't get cucked into military next year

Them getting BTFO by commies in one week is what he means

If Japan never conquered Korea, it'd still be united.

Though old Japan empire meesed up Korea, but it's not Japan's fault. It's because the Soviet and Fuck Ilsung.

Trump and Japan VS Clinton, Obama, Bush, Jew bank mafia.

is sk going to abolish conscription after reunification? you have to border china and russia anyway.

It would be like Germany migrant crisis time 50 if they unified. All those brainwashed poor north koreans would fuck it up for the south

South is the hell too;

힘내라 동지

뭐;; 지옥인거 맞잖어

You poor baby. The threat of dying from a pulmonary embolism due to sitting on your ass at a public library for 36 straight hours playing starcraft certainly is compareable to starving to death.

Actually it would be like the German reunion. The east was poorer than the west and still is, but after investing in eastern Germany unemployment and poverty went down and Germany became a stronger nation

NK is way shittier than East Germany ever was.

Well it can be better than starving, but students in South korea study more than 12hours. Also laborers in South korea works a lot without proper wage. I admit the threat of dying is terrible and our life is lot better than people in North, but the life in South is hell in other meaning.

Uniting a nation is its own reward.

It seems like two is not enough.


I'd rather believe hitler was jew and mosad controlled him.